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NZNI volcano erupts


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Thanks guys and no worries. Only disaster about it is State Highway 1 was closed due to ash. Other then that no one is hurt, just inconvenienced....From the Witnesses it was said to be a beautiful light show so I wish I was up there to see it. We are going their skiing this weekend so looks like I missed it by 4 days.

If the volcanos around Auckland were to erupt then we would be in big big trouble. Mt Tongariro is OK because it is in a rural area. The residence will have to clean a lot of dust up today.

Cheers :D

EDIT: Reports are saying ash didn't fall on the ski fields or access roads to the ski fields and the access roads are open this morning. So it looks like I will go skiing this weekend after all. Here is a picture of Mt Tongariro from the ski field....You can see how close they are and they are open today

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Napier Airport closed all day as ash cloud has driffed east over us and there was strong sulpuric smell that lasted for 3 hours this morning but that has now dispersed. Very little ash has fallen in the area so if things settle down airport will resume fights tomorrow.

Of interest White Island just off coast of Tauranga has also had its volcanic level raised to 2 with an orange air movement alert and Tangariro the one that went off last night also at level 2 with a yellow aircraft warning. Tangariro eruption is is first for 117 years.

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Matthew, I hope Tongariro doesn't erupt whilst you're skiing and you stay safe throughout the weekend. If it does, at worst I hope you get an interesting show you can tell us about afterwards. I hope you take your camera. Enjoy your skiing weekend.

I think I'm going to plan an FSX sightseeing trip around Tongariro in NZNI today (even though there's a red air movement alert at the moment).

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Doesn't seem to have made news here in Ireland, even checked the UK news.

Guess it can't compare to Olympic medals this past week here.

Hope everyone is ok down there, hope there's not too much damage if any.

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Matthew, I hope Tongariro doesn't erupt whilst you're skiing and you stay safe throughout the weekend. If it does, at worst I hope you get an interesting show you can tell us about afterwards. I hope you take your camera. Enjoy your skiing weekend.

I think I'm going to plan an FSX sightseeing trip around Tongariro in NZNI today (even though there's a red air movement alert at the moment).

Cheers Marith,

My boss said pretty much the same thing to me this morning....'Are you still going Skiing this weekend???'

the look on my face was enough. Just don't tell my mother. LOL

and if Tongariro did blow from where I am on Rapehu then I do get front row seats....and at a higher elevation that the Lava won't effect me.

99% I will be very safe and enjoy my ski weekend and won't see anything


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I noticed there are a couple smoking vents just north of the main cone. Are they the ones that popped yesterday? If so orbX can now claim predictive capabilitues for it's awesome stuff ::)

I noticed that yesterday in my sightseeing trip around Tongariro. Today, my return trip to White Island, showed that was venting as well which is impressive as that is also active (there was a small eruption prior to Mt. Tongariro's). Orbx are really up to date (or ahead) with their data for NZNI :D.

The ski fields on Ruapehu also look great with plenty of snow so Matthew should have some great skiing there this weekend. He may just have to dodge some flying rocks :lol:.

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I noticed there are a couple smoking vents just north of the main cone. Are they the ones that popped yesterday? If so orbX can now claim predictive capabilitues for it's awesome stuff ::)

The one that popped up this week is on the north face of the mountain and is actually a new vent. This is why there was this eruption. All good as what that means is a lot of the pressure would now be relieved with a new vent opening up.

We could smell the sulpher from the eruption all the way down here in Wellington the next day. No ash came this way as that came down north of us, but you could smell it where we are for a little while.

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The ski field has these warning just in case it does happen:

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They also have warnings on the chair lift towers going up. If it does happen you have to get out of the valleys and take to higher points outside of the valleys. The lahar will come down through the valleys.

The Chair Lifts are built at points were the towers are above the valleys so it is out of the way....but it is possible to be on a chairlift going over top of a Lahar flow if you happen to be there at that time.

This is New Zealand's largest and most popular ski field, it is very similar to skiing on Mount Hood in Oregon as Mount Ruapehu and Mount Hood are very similar (with the exception of Ruapehu being in close proximity to Mt Tongariro).

It is a risk but to be honest....New Zealand roads are a greater risk as my biggest danger is the drive up there for the weekend.


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