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"Flying".........off the handle!


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You know what I agree!...let me give you an example of what its like around here with the public toilets .

The council installed new/renovated stainless steel toilets with no lids on them . So in winter , in a room with plenty of ventilation and depending on what you need to do , you literally can freeze your butt off ! ....but the big problem is most guys are a real bad shot and if you have to sit down ..well you got a clean up operation to do with the supplied paper .

Ok , if thats not bad enough, the paper you are given is like grease proof stuff and almost non absorbant which means you are going to use a lot of it . It doesn't take long to run out . There lies another problem. I could carry on but ...

So guys , please leave your options open and SIT DOWN !!

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Before I retired I made sure that all our uninals and commodes in the office rest room had a nice shiny sign posted above the fixture on the wall that said:

"Stand up close my friend,

that's no Winchester your holding!"

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