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Winter Weather - Jandakot to Busselton

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OK, so this is part two of my flight series from the weekend. I flew this one in the piston Beech Duke from Jandakot to Busselton in Western Australia, using real time weather from the REX Essential weather engine. The good thing is, being a local flight I could verify whether the weather engine was doing the weather well. Hmmm... too many W's there. On this flight, I let REX pick the weather textures for me based on the weather, rather than using my usual predefined set - I like the result a lot, and will be using this feature more often now. Regardless... onwards and upwards 8)

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Departing Jandakot - low broken cumulus with a slightly higher scattered layer, all overtopped by a layer of stratocumulus at about 10,000' - and just how it looked yesterday in real life.

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Looking out over Cockburn Sound towards Garden Island

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Climbing up above the worst of the weather as I pass Safety Bay

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Cruising between the cloud layers - it was actually pretty smooth at this point, not too turbulent

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You can see that solid overcast hanging over my head

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Hmmm... this doesn't look too promising for the comfort of the rest of the flight.

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Gazing at the ocean through the scud below

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Nearly time to descent back into the slop below.

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Breaking through the lower cloud layer and it looks fine ahead! Should be smooth sailing all the way down to Busselton now

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Descending on the downwind leg over Busselton - the weather has cleared, but is getting steadily more hazy.

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About to turn Base and looking back to the more congested weather I flew out of to the north.

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Safely on the ground at Busselton.

Hope you enjoyed the set as much as I enjoyed flying it. It was SO good flying this flight in weather that was a spot-on match for the real thing that I turned around and flew back to Jandakot, then back down to Bunbury in the Katana afterwards.



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Hi Derek, great shots!

I did some flights around Jandakot at the weekend using the REX Essential default textures and it looked quite different to what you experienced. Might have to try letting it select textures for me next time we've got some bad weather over here.


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REX Real World Winter Weather, Really Works the Weather Well.

(now say that fast several times!) Really like the pics

haha!! .... Its a bit like the 'Im not a pheasant plucker, Im a pheasant pluckers son, I sit here plucking pheasants til the pheasant plucker comes' :D

Really spectacular shots Derek

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Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate the comments.

Hi Derek, great shots!

I did some flights around Jandakot at the weekend using the REX Essential default textures and it looked quite different to what you experienced. Might have to try letting it select textures for me next time we've got some bad weather over here.


Ed, give the REX:E selected weather textures a go, I was really surprised by how good it looked, and how much quicker the texture loading was than in REX2


REX Real World Winter Weather, Really Works the Weather Well.

(now say that fast several times!) Really like the pics

LMAO!!! :lol: Good stuff mate.



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