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Redbull Sauber PC12


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Hi Guys,

I’d like to share with you a project I’ve been working on the last couple of weeks. It all started when I was watching the F1 race in Spa. It occurred to me that there is a quirky PC12 scheme that was pretty interesting... so I did it.

This plane here:

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It so happened that I was also in the midst of experimenting with large texture tiles and so it (as it often happens) this paint benefited from higher resolution textures because of the many graphic elements.

Anyway, here you go…

Getting underway out of Redcliffe – thanks a million Mango!

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You won't believe how long it took to make that tail graphics, I couldn't find a font and numbers to match so I had to make these from scratch in Illustrator. The '2' for example is made up of two circles and two straight lines. I then had to cut them up so I could 'jump' the gap between the vertical stab and rudder. 

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Taxing to the active

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Photo shoot over Baroco, I landed with flaps 30 and had a lot of room to spare, got to love that stol capability and unprepared surface capable undercarriage. I wish they release an update of this plane in the NG spec.

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I am in two minds about the reg – the real plane wears HB-FOT however I prefer flying VH registered airplanes so I may just have to do both. I'd imagine this would be good to fly around Melbourne when the GP is there and maybe when the Redbull obstacle race thing that they sponsor. 

Hope you like it.  ;D


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Love your work as always Butch. Still amazed by the detail in your WA Police PC12 repaint. Great stuff mate  :)

Crikey Butch! Only two bottles of red? ;) That's spectacular work mate! I've gotta second the compliment on your WA Police paint too! So crisp.

(nb. If you haven't already already got the PC-12, go buy it and throw out the paints that come with it, the WA Police paint trumps them all)

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Thank you very much for your encouraging comments gents, I really appreciate your kind words. I had a great time doing this one and the estimate of 2 bottles was a very conservative estimate.  ;D

This one should be available in a couple of days or so over at OzX of course, I just have to tidy up on a couple of things then its right to go.

In the course of researching this particular scheme I 'discovered' quite a few Redbull schemes for all sizes of airplanes, it's a rich source of inspiration. I also saw a couple more PC12 schemes that are tailor made for Green and RED, but more on that in time. 

@Russ it's funny you've mentioned the 182, I've actually been thinking of doing one but I haven't settled on a particular plane or scheme. Hmmm...I'll have get in touch with Squeeker and see what we can come up with. ;D

Thanks again guys, Cheers 

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Thanks again guys...

@ Colin, I don't have the model so as much as I would like to at the moment its not an possible.

@ Andreas, mate I have the Cheyenne as well and its in the pipeline for a complete upgrade. I need to check first if the model will take bump and spec mapping, if it does then happy days.

If you do decide to get the PC12 you won't be disappointed. You are right its similar to the Cheyenne but different in many ways as well, most of all you will be get into the majority of airports the OzX guys do ie short dirt strips that would leave the Cheyenne bent.

I've spent the last month or so just mucking around just learning how to do stuff. I have so many projects I'd like to do now I simply have too little time.


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