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Some P3D shots

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G'day all,

I've been playing around with P3D some more now that the migration tool is out. I've also been using this as an opportunity to brush up on my hand-flown IFR skills, filing VOR based flightplans and flying them without using GPS or autopilot of any sort. Here's a few pics from a couple of flights I've done over the past couple of days.

The first set was taken on a flight from Goheen up to Bowerman in the Cessna 172. The real weather in this flight was provided by the REX WX but the sky and cloud textures are default. I haven't got REX to play nice with P3D (well, actually, it plays fine with P3D - but f***s with my FSX install while it is pointed at the P3D install...) so am waiting on REX Essentials before going fully over to REX in P3D.

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The second set of pics here were taken during a nice long IFR flight, Bowerman to Ketchikan via VOR's up the coast in the sublime Lotus L-39. Real weather again from the REX WX but this time the cloud and sky textures are fro the old faithful Pablo Diaz HDEv2 texture pack. I'd forgotten how good they look. I didn't get to finish the flight due to my own forgetfulness - it's been so long since I flew the Albatros that I forgot to seal the cockpit and put the oxygen on. I blacked out over 18,000' and crashed ::) I'll refly this one again soon as I was having a great time - it's really nice to be flying just with the stick and instruments again, with no option to get lazy and flick on the autopilot!

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Oops, forgot to cut out the brake notification... :mellow:

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I should point out that these pics are completely free of my usual edits - no adjustment of contrast/brightness or hue other than what comes from my ENB mod settings and palette. These are straight from the V key and only resized, bordered and signed.

Some added bonuses I've found - PlanG works pretty well with P3D via WideClient on my client PC, and so does Radar Contact!

Hope you like them, tell me what you think!



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A man of your word, Derek. You recently said you'd dust off the L-39 & take her up. 8) Honestly, have had the Lotus Simulations Albatros for years & am still finding cool things about her. The blacking out effect: the first time experiencing this I was thinking, "Wha... wha...?" as it was happening, realizing too late what it was. Actually, my job while serving in the USAF back in the mid-70s was as a hypobaric chamber technician, an "altitude chamber" tech, giving pilots & flight crews training in symptoms of hypoxia & much more. At simulated FL300, having previously experienced a time of useful consciousness of about 1 minute while off of O2, had finally realized what was happening though not before the screen slowly went dark. Planes crash, pilots die. :unsure: Want a challenging exercise in the 'Tros? Try opening the canopy in flight & reclose it within 1 second of opening it. Good luck getting her down in one piece. Have done it though it takes ferocious concentration & good skills. She spins nicely as well, recovery also challenging sometimes.

Nice screenshots, man. Am loving the unedited shots too.


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Thanks gents!

A man of your word, Derek. You recently said you'd dust off the L-39 & take her up. 8) Honestly, have had the Lotus Simulations Albatros for years & am still finding cool things about her. The blacking out effect: the first time experiencing this I was thinking, "Wha... wha...?" as it was happening, realizing too late what it was. Actually, my job while serving in the USAF back in the mid-70s was as a hypobaric chamber technician, an "altitude chamber" tech, giving pilots & flight crews training in symptoms of hypoxia & much more. At simulated FL300, having previously experienced a time of useful consciousness of about 1 minute while off of O2, had finally realized what was happening though not before the screen slowly went dark. Planes crash, pilots die. :unsure: Want a challenging exercise in the 'Tros? Try opening the canopy in flight & reclose it within 1 second of opening it. Good luck getting her down in one piece. Have done it though it takes ferocious concentration & good skills. She spins nicely as well, recovery also challenging sometimes.

Nice screenshots, man. Am loving the unedited shots too.

Yeah, this is one of those things - I should have known better and read the manual again. I mistakenly assumed that the ON position for the oxygen flow switch was with the blue dot pointing forward, when it is actually blue dot pointing outboard. I assumed all was good because I flew for a fair while at 16,000' and there was no issue, it was only when ATC cleared me for a step climb to 22,000' and I'd been over 18,000' for a couple of minutes that things went pear-shaped. I heard the breathing rate go up, and that should've given me the warning I needed, but I was busy twiddling with radios and then everything started going dark. It's actually quite scary - the screen was black but I could hear the airspeed picking up as the plane went into an uncontrolled dive, and then BANG! Oh well, the relearning process continues, and I'm going to do this flight again tonight! 8)



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