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Help! FSX wont respond on startup


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Hi Guys,

I should have listed to the old addage - "if it aint broke dont fix it!"

I was trying to get ENB working - loaded the ENB files (d2d9.dll & enbseries.ini and got it to work internittantly. Now when I start FSX it hangs a the title screen. CPU core 1 is at max (of cores 1 to 3).

I have to kill the app in task manager.

I tiried to delete fsx.cfg - no luck

I tried to remove the ENB files (d2d9.dll & enbseries.ini) - no luck

I am stuck and trying to avoid a reinstall!! :'(

Any ideas?

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Drama solved - it was a corrupt logbook.bin file in my FSX documents directory. Deleted the file - all good, Phew!

Still cant get enb to load properly when I enter the flight. I have to ALT-TAB to the desktop & re-enter to get it to start working..

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The Logbook.bin is a binary file ('1's and '0's - hence the .bin filename extension) that stores the pilot records of flights, number of landings, hours flown etc. FSX writes to this file at the end of every flight.

If interupted when writing to the Logbook.bin file (e.g. FSX hanging on end of flight, user abruptly terminating FSX from, say task manager) the file can get corrupted.

FSX tries to open and read this file when it starts up before it show the main menu (eg 'Free flight' etc). If the file is corrupt FSX cant read it and just 'hangs'. (I suspect it cant detect the end of the file and keeps trying to read)

If you delete the Logbook.bin file FSX will create a new, empty file and continue in its startup. Doing so will erase all your flight history but will stop the corrupt logbook.bin file being one\the cause of FSX failing to start. [before deleting any file it is a good idea to take a backup some place in case that isnt the problem and you want to replace it.]

The logbook.bin file is located in your "My Documents\Flight Simulator X Files" directory

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If you suspect it is a logbook corruption, there is a little application on the Avsim library which will analyse your logbook, make a backup and remove the corruption in the file. Just do a search for FSX Logbook Recovery. The file itself is named fsxlogrecovery11.zip. It has saved me on several occasions


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