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YMML - NZCH pt II - night shots (mostly)

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G'day all,

This is a follow on set from the one I posted earlier in the week here... http://www.orbxsyste...o-christchurch/

I had a bit of time last night to finally refly the flight from Melbourne to Christchurch and actually finish it this time. I setup the sim for identical conditions to when I flew it last week - a 1430 departure from Melbourne with an evening landing in Christchurch. Real weather was applied via REX WX of course. Hope you like 'em! Oh, I should point out there has been some editing - a little retouch of brightness and contrast and some softening in some pics.

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On cruise over the Tasman

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Passing the West coast of NZ on descent, around Franz Josef glacier

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The NGX cockpit sure looks nice at night

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We are not alone - a passing Air New Zealand flight, looks like it's on its way to Queenstown

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Passing 10k ft, lights up

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Making a long approach to runway 02 before ILS capture.

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On final into NZCH

Enough tubes from me for a while, back to the real flying!



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Capturing good night shots is so challenging. Displaying them even trickier when the shots are surrounded with white.

Generally difficult shots to see, though yours are coming through better than most, in my opinion. Nice stuff, Derek. :)


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