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Problems Downloading FTX Holgermesh freeware

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G'day all.

Trying to download Holgermesh from the FTX freeware site. However, after about 6Gig out of the 24g an error popped up stating Cannot download file as connection with the server has been reset. Why is that?

Running Win7 Ultimate.



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I've been getting the same today for both the freeware section and the support section (I need to get the updated libraries after all). The forums have also been very slow to load. I'm assuming these are still due to the Ddos attack.

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Hi Richard,

I just tried downloading it just now and it was fine and came down at full speed, perhaps try a download manager like Getright/Flashget



Thanks Tim,

Tried first on two other PCs but still getting that error message. Followed your suggestion and used a Download manager and voila Download success.

So thanks again and cheers for now


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