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Just a little story


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Ok today I just planned a little trip VFR from WA79 to Goheen since didnt fly too much in this area and when planning this adventure I was aware that close to gohhen are WA87, WA46 and Bekerfield.

But was first planned must be changed in the last moments given my poor fuel and the shadows that were growing fast.

At first gently ask heidi to come with me for a ride.

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Pure love in the air!

But after too much circles over this zone in search for goheen and repeating myself poor fuel.... you now the rest.....I need to make my bird lighter so stop being gentleman and goodbye heidi (Sorry girl.... its my life and reputation not yours)

And finally when landing at Bekerfield (thats what I thought) I realize that its another no name strip next Charter Oak Comunity church! Little bit south west

(Checked on GE) Does anyone now wich private strip is this?

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Offset to my right....cant be wrong

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Yes its an airstrip!

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But who is the owner?

I can swear that I hear some rotweillers barking close

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I'm not sure if it has a name!

I found it in the aerial imagery and Dontay visited it while taking photos. The story behind it was that the owner of the no name strip and the owner of Goheen didn't like the proximity of the airfields so the bigger airfield won out and the owner of the no-name strip has a hangar at Goheen and uses his strip only occasionally.

I called it "that place with no name" and 299th St. Airfield after the road it runs parallel to

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I'm not sure if it has a name!

I found it in the aerial imagery and Dontay visited it while taking photos. The story behind it was that the owner of the no name strip and the owner of Goheen didn't like the proximity of the airfields do the bigger airfield won out and the owner of the no-name strip has a hangar at Goheen and uses his strip only occasionally.

I called it "that place with no name" and 299th St. Airfield after the road it runs parallel to

Thanks for such info Alex

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