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Cairns problem installing


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Hi, we are having a problem installing YBCS. The installer says it has installed correctly, but when we go to the airport the ground & marking lines are blurred. When the patch is installed an error message appears near the end of the installation

Could not find D:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAU15_SCENERY\scenery\ORBX_Cairns_PLC.bgl

Could not find D:\Program Files(x86)\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_YBCS\scenery\*.text

The patch installer then says it installed correctly, but the airport still is very blurred. :wacko:

Have deleted the airport according to the quick guide, reinstalled it, but it is worse. Libs is up to date & also installed.

Help would be appreciated.

Many thanks to everyone for such a fantastic job you all do to give us these great upgrades to FSX

Thanks Viv & Jan ::)

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Hi, do you UAC turned off and administrator rights enabled on the account you're using?

If those same two errors pop up, try navigating to the folder and seeing if the files are there. If they have a .OFF extension rename it to their proper extension and try again

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Hi both, our computer is set to administrator & is the only account on it. We did have a .OFF file, but we renamed it temporarily i.e added a 1 to the file name it is still in there, but what should the proper extension be? There is just 1 person walking by an airplane, & it doesn't mention anything in the files about peopleflow.

Sorry Wolter I understand proggy, but AV??, as a guess I think none at all.

I think all was working until it was defragged after the YBCS installation, could that have caused the problem. It seems that even though we have uninstalled YBCS as instructed by the quick guide it hasn't loaded properly since.

Thanks for your help Viv & Jan

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Hi Viv & Jan,

The error message you receive when installing the patch you can ignored, and won't be the cause of your blurred ground issues. The two files it is trying to "find" are simply old (redundant) files; this message should be invisible if you don't have the files in place (as in your case), this was a mistake on my end when compiling the patch installer.

The easiest way to move from here is for you to take a screenshot or two of the effected blurry area, if you're not sure of you how to do this, follow this link. This will give me a good idea of what you're seeing, and hopefully we can get the issue sorted out for you quickly so that you can get back to enjoying the scenery :)



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Thanks for your fast answers. Sorry Wolter for being thick, yes we have an AV proggy, & usually it doesn't cause a problem, because we always forget to turn it off. We did try reinstalling again with the AV off, but it didn't make any difference.

Jarrad we have got some screenshots, thanks for the link, turned out really easy to do.

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I did also try to take a screenshot of the page where you select which gate you want start from, & we have duplicates of gates1 &10, this has happened each time we have installed YBCS.

Thanks again for you help

Jan & Viv ::)

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G'day Jan & Viv,

Everything looks as it should be in your screenshots. Bear in mind that your viewpoint is very low (from the trike cockpit), those textures are designed to be best viewed from the lofty perches of a 767 cockpit. :) That said, I did create those particular ground textures at a higher resolution, but unfortunately there isn't a slider in the FSX scenery settings to access them. If you'd like to see the textures twice as sharp (with a slight performance compromise), open up your FSX.cfg, find the [GRAPHICS] header, and find the entry TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024 and change this to TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=4096. I've attached a screenshot of what these textures look like.

In answer to your duplicate 1/10 parking spots, the second "1" spot is a helipad, and the second "10" is a GA parking ramp, over on the opposite side of the airport.

Hope this answers your questions,




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Thanks Jarrad, we will work up to a 767 maybe in the distant future, we are just getting to know the Lancair, crashed it already!!! got to spend some time rubbing out the scratches on the beautiful paintwork.

Thanks for all your help we really apprecaite all the work you all do.

Jan & Viv :D

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