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John York

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I've asked in the past about doing something in the midwest, or even the busy east coast, but no one has ever officially came back with an answer. It would be nice if they were to move further away from the west coast! lol

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Yes, I have just seen their latest announcement and my mouth started watering straight away. Knowing orbx it will be great. Though I can understand where you are coming from John and Johnny. However, from a very selfish point of view I hope it is NZNI. ::)

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Well, I just hope that the Orbx areas will continue to grow until they've done the whole of Oceania.

I would prefer the bits to be joined up so that what they've already done immediately abuts the new bits.

But its strange they haven't announced plans for these areas. That used to be the case, but its all gone quiet and I'm not sure I like the sound of that!


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