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Cannot install - told failed to initialise- help please


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I have twice downloaded and tried to install the Tasmania free demo. Each time towards the end of the install i get a warning that something failed to initialise.

Then it goes on to say i am installed and there is a dos type programme that runs briefly.

There is no sign of the files in scenery library.

Do i need to download again or how do i fix it please?

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do you have Vista or XP ?

in case of Vista you need to install the files as Administrator

in case of XP you need to have Net Framework 3.0 installed


Thanks for the reply.

I am using XP  -  And I went to do the necessary and as a result I have posted the below questions  elsewhere on a  forum.- I take it you are connected with this software and i wonder if you, or any other expert,  can comment on this.please.

"" Gentlemen

I went to download and install the Australian Tasmanian demo scenery.

Upon installation, I had a failed to initialise message, which the scenery devs tell me is because my XP OS does not have" net framework 3.0 " installed.

Apparently this is an App downloadable from MS which will then make my computer accept this scenery- and i have since become aware that a lot of new stuff for FSX requires this net framework app.

OK -

So I went to Microsoft to download it ( in the redistributable package, 'cos it is for my gaming PC which isn't internet connected )

And i found this.


1. Important: Make sure you have the latest service pack and critical updates for the version of Windows that you are running. To find recent security updates, visit Windows Update. "

Because I do not use my gaming machine online, and anyhow I use Firefox, then I have not loaded any critical windows updates on it for ages.

My questions are - MUST I have these critical updates for the .Net Framework software to install and work on my computer.

(This is the important bit)

If I try to install it without the updates being there, will it make a mess of my PC, or simply fail to install.

This net framework comes already on Vista. I have been told that I can just go ahead and load it on to my XP machine even if i haven't had any Windows updates for ages ( I use firefox for my browser, anyway )

But why would MS make out updates and service packs are important for this install if it isn't -

Whatever the motive, if I install net framework on my XP machine as it is, will I mess it up?

I hope some expert on this can comment please.""

I would very much like to evaluate your scenery but I am wary of installing it in view of the above.

Thanks a lot.

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.NET has been around now for 4+ years and is also included as part of all versions of Vista. There is absolutely no harm that can be done to your XP installation by installing Microsoft's .NET on it. They are just libraries which C++ .NET and Visual Basic .NET need to run programs which developers provide for addons like FTX. You will find that a lot of FS addons now have this same prerequisite.

So go ahead and install .NET 2.0 (that's all you need for FTX) from here: http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856EACB-4362-4B0D-8EDD-AAB15C5E04F5&displaylang=en

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