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Texture problems at ycun and ymlt


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have Orbx AU red,gold and blue as well as YBAS. What a fantastic product. So much so that I flew my NGX all the way from the states to start populating AUS. In my quest for this I just installed the 2 free airports in the title and both are having texture/elevation bleed through issues. At YMLT the beginning of the runway is the default FSX and then there is like a 2 foot elevation "cliff" where some very blurry Orbx textures show. In fact the entire airport of Orbx textures is very low res. Maybe thats supposed to be since they were free and I understand. But I think something is wrong because all the way down the runway at each taxiway there are more cliffs and stretches of FSX runway showing. At YCUN the FSX runways, which are narrower than the Orbx runways are showing. A strip down the middle reveales a 75 foot wide FSX runway bordered on either side with a very blurry Orbx runway at 150 feet wide. I intalled Gold, Red and Blue and then YBAS in that order. The work and look fine. The problem occured with these 2 airport which were the last to install. I did install the new Obj libs last figuring that was the issue but no such luck. The new textures are much blurrier than the pics show of these same airport.

I also have all my boxes checked in the Orbx controll panel.

Thank You

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please be so kind and add a screenshot of the issue makes it a little easier for us to be able to determine what exactly your problem is / could be.

blurries could be related to Vidcard settings so if you would add your hardware specs we can also have a look at that and advice on what settings best to use

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G'day Denver,

I'll address the Cunderdin issue as I was the developer of this airport. The resolution of the photoreal underlay is indeed lower than what you may expect from some of our newer payware airports; YCUN is 60cm/pixel compared to 15cm or even 7cm for some airports. This is due solely to image availability - when I created this airport in 2008, the only imagery available was 60cm.

The second point you make is also as it should be - there are two runway widths at Cunderdin. The original (1940s) runway, designed to handle B-24 Liberator bombers, is displayed by the PR underlay, and the narrower re-surfaced tarmac is displayed as a default-style FSX runway. This was a design decision made by Graham (APX guru) and I, as this is quite a prominant feature of the real life airport. I've attached a photo from a flight I took out to YCUN in 2005; this should give an indication of what is there in real life. Whilst I didn't go so far as to include them in FSX, many parts of the outer runway are pot-holed and full of weeds!

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