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Katana fun in Australia


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Hey guys,

this is my post number 1000. To celebrate this a little bit I did a very nice tour today and made some more shots than usual :)

I started in the early evening at Cessnok and flew to Aeropelican where I did a touch and go. Afterwards I went to Warnervale where I landed and ended my flight.

Enjoy :)

Doing the runup.

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Departing heading Aeropelican.

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Enjoying the green between YCNK and YPEC.

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Close to YPEC in landing configuration.

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Touchdown at YPEC.

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Leaving YPEC.

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Passing the powerplant between YPEC and YWVA.

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Entering crosswind leg.

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I am not alone here at Warnervale.

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During flight the generator warning light was illuminated from time to time. Therefore I should take a closer look at the generator.

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Well, before finishing the maintanance I take a break and a cold Coke :)

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Sadly I noticed that there is not just Coke but also cold beer and some nice guys. So it took a bit more time to get back to work :(

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Congrats Jan on Nr. 1000 here! Looking forward for much and many many more posts from Yours - and this great set of screenshots is a great way to celebrate it all a little - ...hope You could enjoy some fine beer after the maintanance was done :)

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