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Melbourne Departure

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

Dropping in a quick set from a nice long trans-Tasman flight I did over the weekend. The route took me from Melbourne International to Christchurch in New Zealand's South Island, and was my first ever International flight 8) Weather was real for the day, hot and cloudy, and the aircraft is of course the superb 737 NGX from PMDG.

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Climbing out of YMML on runway heading before making the turn at YARRA onto the CORRS SIX departure.

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On climb towards CORRS.

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Leaving Australia behind and beginning the Tasman crossing, nearly top of climb.

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In cruise.

As always, let me know what you think!



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Thankyou all! Glad you like them. As you've probably gathered with my last few threads, I'm really enjoying getting stuck into flying the 737.


Say, when you do these sort of trips, do you do it in real time?

I did that flight in real time - it's actually the longest flight I've done, just beating out the Perth-Darwin flight I do from time to time. I did cheat somewhat, once established in cruise I wandered off to do a few things around the house, coming back to check periodically. I also used the excellent "Pause at TOD" feature inbuilt in the NGX FMC, so the sim paused just before making landfall on the west coast of NZ.



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