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I blame microsoft.... and maybe world oil prices too...


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Hi, I've been flying flight sim for years now, and I fully blame it for my now very very expensive hobby (no, not buying fs addons) but real world flying. Short of sueing microsoft to pay for my flight hours, I've decided to go for a qantas cadetship through their Swinburn Cadet Program..

If successful, a 2 year course awaits including theory AND FLYING TIME.

At the end of all that there is a 2 year employment with qantas.

Last week I got the call from the big Q that I'm through to stage 2 of the selections..

So in a fortnights time I'm off to Sydney for some phsycometric evaluation and skills testing..

To put it short, I'm bloody stoked!

But I write here, as my most trusted source of aviation advice (this and the VOZ forums of course ;) ), in hope to find out anything more about this course, or what you reccommend I do/say to impress!

Cheers in advance!


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Did you go to the cadet program information sessions? Just be aware that they mentioned you start off with years of long haul flights ahead of you. I was considering doing it myself, but am still unsure (I want to finish my PPL license first with RACV before deciding).

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Nah never been to one of those sessions.. Didnt even know about them?

I suppose when it comes to flying, you have to do the shit shifts at some stage..

My way of looking at it (due to the costs invloved) is:

either get this cadetship or the rex one I've applied for (although they SUCK at getting back to you!)

or slowly build up my hours and go down the instructing path..

Im not sure of any way other than these two - unless I have a spare 60,000G lying around that I've forgotten about..

Currently I hold a PPL from RVAC (im assuming your with RVAC rather than RACV lol)

Please tell me more about the session!


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You are right about REX. They didn't respond to me either, which is why I am no longer interested in REX at all. If they don't have placements, they should just remove the adverts off their site, not ignore people by email.

And yeah, Qantas had a great cadet information session in july (I think I still have the lecture notes). But the ones in melbourne look like they are done for july and august (not sure when the next ones are).

You may want to check out http://www.qantas.com.au/infodetail/about/employment/pilotCareerInformationBooklet.pdf . In terms of long haul, I asked one of the guys and they said that generally flights are a few days apart (so you may still enjoy oktoberfest). So its quite a lifestyle. Be aware that even if you pass the cadet program, you are not guaranteed employment. The guys reckoned that the acceptance rate is high, and the ones who didn't get jobs didn't study enough, but just be aware of that (thats one reason why I was a tiny bit put off actually). 

And yeah, RVAC (I hope I get GFPT this week, but my landings have gotten dodgy again) :( 

Whilst it was never stated (and no, this isn't a quote in any way), I'd imagine that the best way of surviving long haul for that long would be the man-whore lifestyle (which would work since you get paid starting on $70000, up to $200000). Good luck bro.

Btw, apparently PPL is taken into account with this program (anything less is wasted hours, but PPL apparently is ok)

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did rex actually tell you they weren't recruiting? I got an email from them that seemed to have been outsourced and then written... :s

it said something like applications have closed, and "Please note:  We are unable to provide candidates with updates on the progress of their application, so please refrain from sending emails or making  phone calls to inquire about the status of your application"???

They said they would defiantly say either way.. but this just seems to ambiguous.. Is that the same email you got? "all applications will remain on file for 2009 intake"?

screw rex.

Yer, I've got my PPL, and a touch over 100 hours total (incl dual of course) so yer, nows the crunch time to make a decision..

Hopefully the testing goes all well, but I always hate those stupid questions where you have to answer "most" and "least"

Here is an example:

Say which ONE fits you MOST and which one LEAST:

I am a good worker

I like to work in a team environment

I like to learn new skills

I am a happy person

....  :-[ WAT THE HELL!? How can you honestly choose a least? its like shooting yourself in the foot!

lol and I love how they say "normally your answer is much more accurate than trying to guess the answer that we want".. HA!

sorry, been doing all these practice ones and its doin me head in..

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Apparently I wasn't worthy of a response at all from REX when I was inquiring about pay and such (all they say is that you are stuck there for 5 years, and that you will get paid, but not how much). Unlike Qantas who started off their information with "as a pilot, you get paid A LOT" and repeated it over and over again, so I just assumed that the conditions of joining REX must not be that great if they aren't actively shouting the benefits. In some ways I would have preferred REX, but everything to me thus far suggests that internally, unlike qantas they are a bit of a mess.

Haven't seen the questions, but I would prioritise "I am a good worker" in that one, because it implies you are already the best :P It would be great if you get selected and let me know how it goes. I resigned from IT (because its a very bad industry to work in), and am trying to decide what to do next.

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It appears as if REX are wanting snotty nosed rich kids at the Snowy Mountains Grammar School as they have gotten into bed with Brindabella Airlines and Rex to created a cadet ship so they can train THEIR WAY . 

I approached them but they don't seem to want to know anyone who might actually be able to do the job  hence the cadet ships  this way they can pay you stuff all and claim it is to pay for your training and licencing.  In other words the bend you over and then ........... well you get the picture.

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Well done tom!

I read an article on Aust Aviation and it was all about the current shortage of commercial pilots, I'd imagine as is the rest of the economy there would be a skills shortage for pilots as well. I cant find the mag at the moment but there as a lot of text on the process for getting from cadet to pilot. It was the August edition...

If I find it I'll scan the article and send you a pm

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Hi Guys,

I have not applied for a Caedetship nor do i intend too, nor am i 'going commercial'

Yes there is a pilot shortage - BUT, its pilots who have many hours and experience already, there are lots of people applying for positions and it looks like the slow down in the US/Europe may have eased some of the drought for the airlines.

The real shortage of pilots is experienced pilots who are willing to work for what some airlines are offering, interesting you mention Rex, they have had a very troubled recent history with their pilot body and have had a significant separation rate these last few years. Hint. Hint.

Qantas would be the way to go, however don't be surprised if you are actually employed for Jetstar on their reduced rates.

Theres plenty of (quite heated) discussion on these points over another well know aviation forum. All in all there is a good lifestyle to be had flying commercially, but the days of being an overpaid sky-god are rapidly disappearing.

PM me if you would like the link.

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:P Probably something like that Meatycus. I'd imagine flying longhaul for 5 years and only being home sometimes only 2 days a month wont leave much time for a wife (dunno any women personally who would want to marry a guy they see only a few days a year). But I'm betting there are lots of women interested in very short term relationships with pilots (one of the benefits of wearing a uniform I suppose). I am of course not experienced in these areas though, so take it with a grain of salt....
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