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Question to development team


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Hey guys, first off just want to say thank you, and great work for your efforts.

I was thinking the other day, and that is what brought me here with this question. I wonder if having a kinda dummy FTX region over the Pacific would allow you to connect the two, PNW and the NZ and AU area. There wouldn't really be anything there, but just something for FTX to continue with like it does from PNW to CRM and such.

Not sure how the actual technical phrases of it. But that was my idea.

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There are the two big regions Oz and NA because they made the autogen fitting to those areas. This cant be solved with a dummy region. It has nothing to do with regions are not connected. Otherwise you would have to switch if you only have two regions in NA which are seperated (like Pacific Fjords and CRM for example).

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This is indeed correct.

FSX was not born with enough core files to create all the variations needed in the FTX world.

FTX central is a way of swapping these to custom files for each region.

The big problem is that FSX locks files while it is running, so no changes can be made without a restart.

It is a nuisance, but it's what we have to work with.

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I wonder instead whether it would be possible to include a very simple utility to display what region is selected and for it to work whilst FSX is running. Or alternatively change FTX Central so if FSX is running it displays the selected region as well as giving you the message that FSX must be closed down.

It would save having to close down FSX simply to see if the correct region is selected. I know I should check before starting up FSX but sometimes I'm in a hurry to get flying :)

Thanks, Martin

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