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Ultimate Eye Candy ~ LARGE IMAGES ~


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Wow Russ, killer shots! Those last two are awesome.  I've got the game installed but haven't played much yet. Might have to give it a go again. 

Video games may have some violent content, but they take it all from the big screen.  Case in point, Clive Barker, the "master of horror", help create the visuals for that one.  He sure knows how to make some freaky monsters.

Here's a few more from my adventures in Africa.  According to the stats I've got 13 hours of playtime so far and I'm only 12% complete.  ;D

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I dont dont play games ( is fsx a game ? probably) and therefore haven't seen the extent to which the graphics have advanced. Thanks guys for showing , its been interesting and informative . Thats the good thing about this forum and the pilots lounge where we can "sit back in a comfy chair next to the coke machine and talk about....anything " .  Community is diversity.

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I think it is offensive that pictures such as these are posted here and that such violent games are thought to be normal and in a way promoted - no wonder there is such violence in this world.

You raise an interesting point there - whilst I am always one for free speech and expression, to a certain extent though, I tend to agree with your view that these type of games do tend to desensitise the young and vulnerable hence leading to an increase in violence around the world - the other side of the story is yet to be proven one way or the other - would the violence exhibited by the youth of today have developed anyway? - I dont know, possibly not

Another point to consider though when any talk of consideration for others arises, is in the way images are embedded in posts such as they are automatically downloaded each and every time a thread is opened - this entails sometimes quite large amounts of ones "allowance" to be swallowed up by something that an individual does not necessarily wish to view- especially when the same thing is then repeated by being reproduced in a "quote" when it is quite simple to edit out the image reproduction

I have the same gripe about ALL embedded images including ones relating to FS screenshots in any sub forum other than one devoted to screenshots where one expects to find a large number of images - at least there I have a choice as to whether I open a thread or not

In the case of this particular thread - IF the images were only offered as links then perhaps I probably would not have followed them and therefore not seen the massive advances in graphics reproduction that is now available as I am not a games player

Interesting conundrum?

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Hmm ... I know these images are in this thread (repeatedly, by the way) and while I don't mind them myself I know that at any moment my 9 year old son may walk in. I'd like to be able to follow the conversation but now the risk that he'd see something that will give him nightmares (he's a sensitive lad) means I can't view this thread until he is in bed.

I think links to imagery that some may find disturbing, or that they may not want their children seeing, would be a much better idea! If this forum was about this game in particular I'd not have an issue with it since it would be expected there!

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This is the pilots lounge, which specifically for topics unrelated to flight sim, so this post is perfectly appropriate here. The post has been up for a long time now and I imagine most people know what it is about. If you choose to view it for a second or subsequent time, you know what you are in for. Personally, I just click on the second page to see what new eye candy has been added. I don't 'play' any games on my PC apart from FSX, but I do like to see how graphics are advancing.

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I agree Pauleb. As I said, I also avoid it and go for the second page or I read it when my kids aren't around because I know what it contains. As I said it doesn't offend me but I do think about what my kids see.

As to whether it is appropriate or not in the Pilot's Lounge... hmm, all the forum's conditions of use say is "... violate Orbx community standards". I wonder how many people have to disagree with a post before it's again our "community standards". Maybe "violence and gore" should be added to the "sexual, political, race-oriented religious", just to be sure. Am I being devil's advocate enough yet ;)

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Well then I'll move right along with a demonstration of the realtime 24hr day/night cycle in Far Cry 2.  It looks really cool in compressed time where it takes about ten seconds to complete the whole cycle.  I'm rendering this scene at 30fps using 1600x1200 4xAA/16xAF.  Imagine FS with this kind of lighting.

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This is the first Far Cry from 2004. It's quite the evolution. 

That difference is in just four years. Just think ahead twenty years, do you think you will be able to distinguish between a movie and a game?

What future for FS? If only the developers would break loose from the chains of previous versions.

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Well then I'll move right along with a demonstration of the realtime 24hr day/night cycle in Far Cry 2.  It looks really cool in compressed time where it takes about ten seconds to complete the whole cycle.  I'm rendering this scene at 30fps using 1600x1200 4xAA/16xAF.  Imagine FS with this kind of lighting.

Sorry to sound like a complaining ol' f@rt - but just how hard would it have been to just list the links?

In my particular case I would have at least had a look at each and every one of them anyway because I also cant be bothered with FPS's but am absolutely amazed at the graphics advances they use - IF they had been of the other variety then I would have seen the 1st and not been bothered to have a look at the rest - not because I am particularly offended by them or anything like that, it is just purely the fact that for prefference I couldnt be bothered even trying to appreciate   blood and gore in the same way as I cannot be bothered watching the intricacies of the examination tables in CSI whilst I dont mind the mind numbing storylines if they can be called that

It would just be nice to not have to effectively pay to view something that I really dont particullarly wish to especially 2, 3, 4 or more times just to participate in a conversation which is of interest to me and that is the massive improvement in graphics capabilities that are coming forth

Oh! btw - from the evidence above where there are 2 different leading {img}'s ie uppercase and lowercase as inserted by the system, am I to assume that you cocked it up at some stage and made a conscious effort to make sure that the images were embedded to get up someones nose by chance?

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This is the first Far Cry from 2004. It's quite the evolution. 

That difference is in just four years. Just think ahead twenty years, do you think you will be able to distinguish between a movie and a game?

What future for FS? If only the developers would break loose from the chains of previous versions.

It's going to be interesteing. We are rapidly reaching the point where we can make a 22" or so window appear life like. But, even with Track IR, it is still a 22" window directly in front of me that's simulating my head turning. I'm curious to see how we get around that one ... will VR googles make a resurgance now that wireless and small LCD technologies are better? Will spherical dome theatres be in every house?

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It would just be nice to not have to effectively pay to view something that I really dont particullarly wish to especially 2, 3, 4 or more times just to participate in a conversation which is of interest to me

When you view a page your browser stores the images in it's cache, meaning they are downloaded only one time, and loaded from your hard drive the next time you view the page.

Oh! btw - from the evidence above where there are 2 different leading {img}'s ie uppercase and lowercase as inserted by the system, am I to assume that you cocked it up at some stage and made a conscious effort to make sure that the images were embedded to get up someones nose by chance?

The upper case image tags were copied and pasted to this forum from another.

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That difference is in just four years. Just think ahead twenty years, do you think you will be able to distinguish between a movie and a game?

What future for FS? If only the developers would break loose from the chains of previous versions.

Well yeah if you think about it the same CG techniques used in movies can be adapted for games and simulations.  The main limitation is rendering time, as much of it can already be implimented though not with the performance we need, but rendering techniques will continue to get more efficient and hardware will continue to get more powerful. 

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I seem to remember a book i read quite a few years ago where one of the characters wore a small headband that allowed the user to experience games/role play as if they were 'Better Than Life", not to sure of the author, might be one of Douglas Adam's works, anybody remember?

Only problem with the band was that the user became so engrossed with their particular 'experience' they couldn't tell the difference between fact and fantasy when in the 'game' and their body became malnourished and eventually the person perished if not looked after. It created a whole new culture of game heads, bit like druggies!

Kinda interesting i though as taking the subject to its eventual conclusion could computer simulation/graphics really get to that level of advancement?

Think about it, the experience is so good and so tailored to what you want it to be you don't want to leave.


Hotel California?

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If anyone finds offence with the images in this thread, then I think Paulb's comments here: http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=4996.msg51501#msg51501 is the most logical response.

FPS shooters have been part of videogame culture since Castle Wolfenstien (early 80's) and even before that. If you are aware of the content of the screenshots that will be posted here then please don't visit this thread. If you don't have the bandwidth to download imbedded images, then please don't visit the thread. If you are interested in generic discussion-only topics about the advances in graphics technology, then google it and you'll find 100's of forums on the topic; beware though, most such discussions would have screenshots in them anyway ;)

On topic: Far Cry 2 is a visual feast for sure. Just don't expect this sort of tech in FS anytime soon though :)

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This is the first Far Cry from 2004. It's quite the evolution. 

I found that version of FarCry to be too plastic looking and for that reason it failed to appeal too me but FarCry2 was much better but still lacked some of the realistic looks for such a game. I found the GRAW series much more appealing in the graphics department and visuals along with there kits and clothing. The first GRAW had that golden look which didn't do it justice but GRAW2 was an improvement.

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Stranded on the Russian Nuclear Ice Breaker North Wind you have to battle not only the acrtic cold but the ships less fortunate.  Featuring detailed and historically accurate Russian rifles.  It's only $30 brand new and gives about 12-14 hours of playtime! Get the FREE DEMO to try for your self!  I bet your fancy FSX rigs will run it nicely! These are some shots I've collected to far....


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Cryostasis is way to ugly for me. Not my pick,  but stalker has good graphics .  As far as fsx goes, since the hdr trick , I think something very similar could be achieved. I actually don't own or play any other games and as I said earlier this thread is interesting  to me purely on the graphics side. I might check out BoB 11 though.

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