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Still require Holger Mesh?

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Yet another question from a long time FS flyer that'll never learn from his past mistakes ::)

I recently had to undertake a clean reinstall of FSX & FTX scenery, after having stuffed up my registry whilst installing a few aircraft add-ons (I hadn't created a backup had I - usual story!).

Anyway, I've reinstalled all the payware FTX add-ons again plus the freeware airfields, but I neglected to reinstall the Holger Mesh as I had done previously. Can I now reinstall this retrospectively without affecting the AU Blue & Gold etc.? If so, where in the scenery listing should it appear as a priority to avoid conflicts?

Thanks as always,


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Aaron

My understanding is that FTX Blue & Gold do not include any mesh, they are landclass and scenery.

Just this week I got FS Global 2008 for father's day and did a little experiment. I flew around The  Grampians Mountain range in Western District of Victoria just with FTX installed and no Holder mesh and the mountains were basically non existant.

I then activated Holger mesh and the mountains became very prominant. I then de-activated Holger mesh and activated FS Global 2008

and found little difference between that software and Holger's.

No critismof FS Gobal 2008 as it covers the whole globe, not just Australia.

Also a bit of a hint is that the FTX  website offers Holgers as a free download which tends to support that you still need his mesh in FSX.

Hi Bazzam, I am a bit old school and still subscribe to placing all mesh dominant over landclass which inturn is dominant over scenery???




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FSglobal and FSgenisis and Holgersmesh all use the same STRM 76m mesh for australia (It is OK have either of the payware ones and Holger's mesh installed at the same time)

however even though it is only 76m mesh, I set my ingame mesh setting to 10m, I reckon everything looks crisper and sharper (could be the placebo effect kicking in ;D)

If you have the OZx Freeware Airfields installed, then this should be above your mesh in the scenery library otherwise some airfield terrain adjustment will not show

to obtain the best setup for flying in australia you would have it like this:

1,Orbx/OZx freeware Airfields



4,everything else below

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Hi Bazzam, I am a bit old school and still subscribe to placing all mesh dominant over landclass which inturn is dominant over scenery???



G'day Dan,

Nothing wrong with being 'old school' :)  FSX can identify mesh and automatically draws it prior to other processes. It is smart enough to identify higher resoltuion meshes, however as you state it is a good idea to place them appropriately in the database.

It is my understanding however that you would have scenery placed higher than landclass. This is because scenery often contains 'more appropriate' landclass for the immediate area. This may be present in standard landclass bgl's or poly landclass bgl's dependant on how the author has described his 'scenery'.

So, logically, the best order within the database would look diagrammatically like such (simplified) -

top - specific scenery (vis-a-vis OZX freeware, or OrbX aerodromes)

next - specific landclass (FTX_AU)

lower - mesh products (in order from higher res down to lower res)

base - MS FSX default libraries.

However, as mentioned above, FSX has it's own priorities and can identify different types of bgl, so things such as mesh and some base 'poly' bgl's (like golf courses in base data) will be internally prioritised irrespective of where they lie within the database.

Hope that makes sense and I haven't confused anybody.

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