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Alice Springs

John York

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I suppose only those of a certain age will relate to this.

However, I felt I really must express appreciation of the way in which Orbx have treated Alice Springs.

I've mentioned before the affinity I feel for 'Alice, a bonza town'. Flying over it just now is exactly how I've always pictured it in my mind and frankly, I don't mind telling you it brought tears to my eyes remembering those far off days in the late 'forties.

Having always wanted to visit. Of course, I never could and never will so this Orbx product is as near as I will ever get to seeing it.

This afternoon, Bob's been in every nook and cranny of the airport, and, mainly because Bob's useless on slopes and rough ground, the helicopter has slowly and lowly (is that a word?) taken me over every bit of the actual town and surrounding desert and scrubland.

Thank you Orbx for providing such a realistic depiction of a place I've longed to see, for more years than I care to remember really, very much more closely than my imagination or description would allow.


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