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The Perfect Addon


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Ok, I remember mentioning this idea not so longer, just as an off-the-cuff remark. However, the more I think about it the more I'm convinced it would be a real winner for a dev. If I had the knowledge to design it myself, I would, in a shot. OK, so this is it.... to be able to change the variables of the sound in FSX. At the moment you can change the ATC, environment, cabin and engine volumes. The problem is, the volumes for the different aspects of the sound are different from one aircraft to another. So when the engine volume is correct for, say, a Carenado 185, it's likely to be the wrong volume for the PMDG or any other aircraft for that matter. The same goes for the other sound volumes too. I am continually changing the volume of the sound sliders each time I change to another aircraft. So my idea, and I'm sure it can't be that difficult, is to have a small GUI that holds profiles for each of the aircraft. So you can set the correct volumes for the indivdual sounds and then they are automatically saved for that particular aircraft, similar in fashion to how Ezdok remembers the relevent camera profiles for the different aircraft. What do you think guys...

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There is one major roadblock that would make this difficult if not impossible to overcome. Many addons actually run at least some of their sounds outside of the FSX engine, in standalone sound engines. Examples of this are aircraft like the Aerosoft Airbus, and I think PMDG's planes as well. Any aircraft when you can still hear noise while FSX is paused. So having a tool to re-jig the sound levels within FSX will be rendered useless by these types of addons.



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There is one major roadblock that would make this difficult if not impossible to overcome. Many addons actually run at least some of their sounds outside of the FSX engine, in standalone sound engines. Examples of this are aircraft like the Aerosoft Airbus, and I think PMDG's planes as well. Any aircraft when you can still hear noise while FSX is paused. So having a tool to re-jig the sound levels within FSX will be rendered useless by these types of addons.



Interesting Derek, but I would have thought that if those sounds are run outside of the FSX engine and they can be manipulated by the FSX sound control panel, then somewhere it must surely be possible to save the configuration? As I said, I have no experience with coding, so this is a question rather than a statement.

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