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YMMB gate crash


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I'm sorry, its gate 4. Only with the C208 by carenado though. I loaded up a flight from scratch with the Carenado C208 and at starting point Gate 4 at YMMB and get a crash. If I pick a plane with a smaller wing span (C185) or larger wing span (Catalina) no crash...just the C208.

Edit to add that its not a building crash, but just a crash as if when loading its being delivered to the spot too high and when the sim starts it drops just enough to cause it to crash. Does not crash some of the other gates I tired just at gate 4. However at gate 3 you do see a good bounce upon loading.

Something I can deal with just reporting it.

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Greg my mesh is at 5m. No anomalies. The field looks great and the detail is amazing. Its just one plane and parking spot. Just thought I would report it to see if any others had the same issue. I dont fly that plane there so it wont be an issue with me. Was just showing the field to a friend and he like the C208 so he loaded that plane at that parking spot and thats how i found it.

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