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YMMB is out people!


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Downloading as we speak....hurry up!

Thanks Adrian, John and the team!


Just attempted to download and got a whole 45 Kbytes/sec whereas a test dowmload from internode's mirror site gives me 1400 Kbytes/sec! I tried several different FSS servers and all much the same. I thought something had been done to improve download speeds from FSS. Given up until things improve.


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I tried 2 different servers.

Gave up , as after 1 hour it was only quarter way through.

Horse and buggy servers in the space age !

This hits a record slow download speed for me.


The odd thing is that when I downloaded another file from my account at FSS it rocketed down at 1200 kbytes/sec. So i tried YMMB again but still crawled along at near dial up speeds - go figure! I'm sure YMMB is a high quality product but I wouldn't have thought it was such a high profile release that the servers couldn't cope.


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