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Computer Pilot Magazine For Free

Jay Kae

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Yes, I've just subscribed to Computer Pilot again after a couple of years away from it, mainly because they were repeating themselves too much for my taste.

I've just received my first issue and really hope that future publications become more interesting. Perhaps its me, but I found it boring. I'm not sure I like the idea of reading it from the computer either. I like to know I can sit down with my wife in front of the television in the the evening and read it then. I know I could print it but on my machine the cost of ink is prohibitive.

Perhaps I should have waited for the free copy but the subscription price was appealing.


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I'm not sure I like the idea of reading it from the computer either. I like to know I can sit down with my wife in front of the television in the the evening and read it then. I know I could print it but on my machine the cost of ink is prohibitive.

I recently treated myself to a solution for that problem by getting the Amazon Kindle. A couple of years ago I swore to myself that I would never get an e-reader and that I always would stick to printed books and magazines, simply for the homey feel and smell of paper, but after reading quite a few reviews and finally taking the plunge I must say: that thing is amazing! The e-ink technology really looks like printed letters on paper and once you start reading you forget quickly that you aren't holding a book/magazine anymore but just a small and light tablet in the size of a larger postcard. Okay, it's even more expensive than printing out some pages ($120 /99€ / £89) but I think it's worth it.

Disclaimer: I'm in no way affiliated with Amazon, other than being a satisfied customer. I don't get paid for praising the Kindle. ;)

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Yes, I've just subscribed to Computer Pilot again after a couple of years away from it, mainly because they were repeating themselves too much for my taste.

I've just received my first issue and really hope that future publications become more interesting. Perhaps its me, but I found it boring. I'm not sure I like the idea of reading it from the computer either. I like to know I can sit down with my wife in front of the television in the the evening and read it then. I know I could print it but on my machine the cost of ink is prohibitive.

Perhaps I should have waited for the free copy but the subscription price was appealing.



Boring... in what way? Also, we havent repeated any articles in the magazine for as long as, well virtually never. We may have repeated a single article I can remember in over 110 issues, and that was by reader demand. Nothing else has been repeated. Unless you mean regular columns or some articles may be of similar content or subject matter, but virtually nothing repeated word for word.

Of course, your feedback, whether positive, or negative (in constructive form) is most valuable in shaping the future content of the magazine.

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I recently purchased some back issues of Computer Pilot magazine to see how it compared to PC Pilot. Whilst it is a very well produced magazine I'm afraid I won't be purchasing it again as the first section is just pages and pages of adverts I.E. pages 1 - 14 out of 100. ???

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I recently purchased some back issues of Computer Pilot magazine to see how it compared to PC Pilot. Whilst it is a very well produced magazine I'm afraid I won't be purchasing it again as the first section is just pages and pages of adverts I.E. pages 1 - 14 out of 100. ???

A couple of things...

1. The percentage of adverts to content in our magazine is VERY low compared to most general computer-related magazines. Take a look at some others... You are looking at 40-50% of advert content for the issue.

2. The magazine was originally a 68-page edition, then we raised it to 84-pages, and then again to 100-page, all without any increase in subscription price. Well, thats not toally accurate... we did raise it once but this was related to increased cost of distribution. So those more recent 16 pages of extra content came at no extra price, and hence you are not paying any more to have those adverts in the magazine as an end reader.

3. The reality of advertising is that most magazines have to have advertisers to survive, especially in niche readership markets like flight simulation. Without the adverts, you either have far fewer pages of content in each issue, or your subscription price is much more expensive.

Just a few things to consider :P

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A couple of things...

1. The percentage of adverts to content in our magazine is VERY low compared to most general computer-related magazines. Take a look at some others... You are looking at 40-50% of advert content for the issue.

2. The magazine was originally a 68-page edition, then we raised it to 84-pages, and then again to 100-page, all without any increase in subscription price. Well, thats not toally accurate... we did raise it once but this was related to increased cost of distribution. So those more recent 16 pages of extra content came at no extra price, and hence you are not paying any more to have those adverts in the magazine as an end reader.

3. The reality of advertising is that most magazines have to have advertisers to survive, especially in niche readership markets like flight simulation. Without the adverts, you either have far fewer pages of content in each issue, or your subscription price is much more expensive.

Just a few things to consider :P

Points noted Dean, I do enjoy reading the ads in Flight Sim mags as I learn a lot from them. I just find it frustrating having to wade through pages of them before I get to the stuff that I have paid for. Having said that good luck with Computer Pilot, it is very well produced. ;D

Regards, Rick

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