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Early morning Bowerman (and why I love coming back from an FS break)


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One of the nice things of taking either voluntary or involuntary breaks from flight simming like I do a few times a year, is that it's always such a blast when you get back it...

Morning free flight in Bowerman (Katana 4X)

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WOW! - what a most atmospheric picture here - a superfine watermask there as well and indeed - taking a break from simming and comming back then does almost work like a miracle when it comes down to individual flightsimmingexperience ... Great You shared that here - because this pictures says it all i think :)

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Me? Freak? LOL... Yup, once again in action for the near future.

And thanks JV for the comment. Coming from ''The Man'', it is a little ''velours'' as we say in french.

And looking at that shot again, I have to humbly admit it's kinda of neat. That's straight 'V' capture. Only resized and lowered the size.

Thanks for the comment mes amis.

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