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KHQM How do you stay in business?!


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Seriously, I can't believe you guys give this kind of quality away! Really a great job!

Thanks for the freebee

They give it away because, IMHO, FTX is the best and they want to show appreciation to their clients. It's just good business sense to always exceed the customer's expectations....

AND what John said. LOL

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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,

I had the "floating" problem with WHQM the first time I tried it. I had odd objects showing up on the runway and the exit was a narrow roadway with a sharp drop on either side. Thrilling but not very realistic. I saw that another part of the runway was also sunken with steep walls all around.

I thought the problem was just with that one airport and took off to find Darrington. Arriving at Darrington I found the runway inside a box of walls, not at all what I had last time I was there.

I read John's comment about this problem in the forum and took his advice to install PNW patch 004 to fix it. I did this and looked again at WHQM and it was was OK but I still had the same issues at Darrington. I reinstalled Darrington, added the update, then updated the library.

All is restored and I am happily flying between favorite points in the PNW again. Thank you for the helpful support.


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FTX and their demo of KHQM is what made me buy PNW. Lol, I think they have figured out a very good plan....give the best, and they will buy the rest.

I can honestly say that my copy of PNW is my best addon of many for FSX.

Yep, the PNW demo made me buy the full package and I've been buying orbx products every sense...


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