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In simmers heaven again

Guest J van E

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For the first time in a long time I finally did a complete (but still rather short) flight, from Diamond Point to Fall City. I bought Shade this week (I use Marks Final preset) and I reinstalled ENB (what was I thinking when I decided not to install that on my new pc...?!?!?!?), I set Inspector to 8xSQ (almost impossible to find jaggies anywhere!) and boy, do things look good (using ASE, REX and obviously FTX)! This afternoon I posted something in another topic about textures not always looking that good up close and then I thought... why the heck am I doing almost all this testing and tweaking a few feet above the ground...? So I decided to stop testing and tweaking and fly as one is supposed to fly: a bit higher than I've done lately... ;)

It was an awesome flight (which I had to start over again because FSX locked up when I came to this forum during the flight to post something). Shade's effects are subtle but cool, ENB is awesome (again, what was I thinking...!) and in the meantime I've gotten used to the way FSX performs on my new pc. I noticed most microstutters are mainly there when I look around a lot with TrackIR. Whenever I keep my view a bit more steady, things look (!) very smooth indeed and I hardly notice any stutters. And they are even less apparent (if there at all) while flying higher. And even above what you see at the following screenhots things feel smooth (though fps drops to around 20 there): extremely dense Seattle! Awesome stuff! :)

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Hm, I see it's time to clean my windows... ;)

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