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1WA6 crash


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I have just this minute completed some flying at Fall City. Unfortunately I have experienced 6 VMCX dll errors while flying 260 degrees towards Vashon. Inbetween Fall City and Seattle, about ten miles out, each time in the same place. I initially thought it was the Ezdok software I have just installed, but after flying the same route a couple of times without Ezdok I had the same error. I also changed the plane from the Katana to the BirdDog, but with the same result. I seem to remember a post some time ago, I think Heiko participated (?) which talked about a problem around Seattle, can't remember. Is this the same area perhaps? Has anyone else encountered this? If not, perhaps someone could also run a test flight and see what the results are. Any input gratefully received, thanks guys...

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I just completed a flight from Fall City using the default Cessna 172. After takeoff, set autopilot for 260 degrees and 2000 feet, flew directly over the original floating bridge and the King Dome and encountered no errors. After flying to somewhere north of Vashon island, descended and landed at Vashon Municipal. I have frequently encountered g3d.dll errors in this area approaching Boeing Field, but have never encountered a VMCX.dll error. So at least with the default Cessna 172, Ultimate Traffic, and default weather this error does not occur for me. Hope this is helpful.

Jim Kaye

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I'm having the same problem with a fatal error in the same place every time.

My route:

1WA6 (hdg 261) SEA1 (hdg 304) 2WA1

altitude 2000'

I've tried this with 7 different aircraft from the Cub up to the new Carenado Skymaster with the same result.

Just as I'm approaching Lake Washington, right when I'm next to Microsoft, Fatal Error restarting (Microsoft restricted airspace)

I'm going to try some other planes and directions just for kicks.

I have every other NA product with no errors anywhere, I was looking forward to having this airport in my loop around the Sound.

Hope someone can help!

computer spec;

i5 16gigs Win7 Home Premium (plenty of resources)


Order #FSS0120754

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Not sure about this one guys, it seems you are some distance out from 1WA6 when this occurrs. I do not fly much in FSX so i have not run into any of these issues and therefore not had any experience in solving them, hopefully another team member may be able to point you in the right direction. :)


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I would agree with Russ, that the error does not seem specifically tied to Fall City, at least on the basis of the information above..

Have you flown the same route and been able to reproduce the error without the scenery installed?

CTD need to be reproducible, and "eliminatable" before you can implicate any given add-on.

We have seen extremely long threads with random observations, which boil to very little.

Several flights with and without the scenery, with a reproducible error / non-error may be more specific and give us something to go on.

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I thought the vmxc dll's are part of AES if you are both using AES can you disable aes and see if you get the same crash ?

Hi Paul, I have had this trouble before. I am a littel confused. Am I right in thinking that AES is a m Aerosoft thing? Or does it relate to all addon aiprort software, and if so, by turning it off will this not interfere with all airport activity?

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yeah it is AES is Airport Enhancement Services by Aerosoft, im not 100% sure what it adds to the sim but by the looks of it, it adds people, trucks, guide car etc.. at airports and turning it off should mean only the airports supported by it will have the missing extra features it provides as i dont think it supports every airport in flight sim as there is over 24,000 airports. I dont know if it has ever been included with any airports from Aerosoft btw.

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Made another flight with no errors. Flew Carenado Cessna 182 from Fall City, and set Reality XP autopilot to fly a heading of 160 degrees at altitude 1000 ft. As posted earlier, flew over the old floating bridge and Kingdome (which may now be football and/or baseball stadium), then on to north of Vashon island. Turned south and landed at Vashon airport. Also, took off and flew back to Fall City and landed. All OK.

Jim Kaye

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I didn't realize that the 21 page post pinned at the top of the forum was related to this issue. (thanks to Ian for pointing me in the right direction!) After reading through it I realize that my suffering is just a small bit of what others have been through.

In my case it seems as if Holger was right about the GPU overload. After reducing my Nvidia settings to what he recommended I was able to fly right through the Seattle Triangle with the MilViz Cessna 310.

In each case users seem to have found that removing something graphically intensive allowed them to proceed. In addition to this, the corruption with 2S1 caused a spike in the GPU usage and a fatal error ensued. I fixed that issue as well.

My problems started with the addition of Fall City, a very graphically intensive location, I thought the issue was directly realted to the new airport. Monitoring my GPU during the flight showed that it was overloading the processor when the Seattle area loaded up. There was still a lot of unused graphic memory, but the processor reached 100% and couldn't cope with more. The reduced settings make this area work and are still visually appealing.

I hope these insights might help others. This really is truly magnificent scenery!

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That dll belongs to the Vistamare installation and is situated in the VistaMare\bin folder in the FSX root, there are some more of course. I think the module enables AES itself but also the AES lite supplied airports with the little cars and such things.

Now the whole Vistamare stuff gets preloaded at FSX start since it is active in the dll.xml, so it could of course add something to the game when flying somehwere (without any AES stuff).

One could exclude the dll.xml entries for testing purposes but also make sure to have all Vistamare components current, which means a file date of at least August 2011. The AES help tool should check the status of those modules, but may fail there from time to time.

For a manual update, there are current modules in the folder Aerosoft\AES\DLLS\FSX. You can copy them over to the Vistamare folder.

Regarding Fall City, I've tried the new C337 with the RXP enabled there and did some touch and goes. I can't report about a problem so far and that Vistamare dll.xml entry was active while flying.

Is the Windows Event Log showing that VCMX module as the erroneous one or something else?

And, Howard, you can't land a 737 at Fall City. :lol:

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Is the Windows Event Log showing that VCMX module as the erroneous one or something else?

And, Howard, you can't land a 737 at Fall City. :lol:

Sorry to be dim, but how do I access the Windows event log? Can't land a 737 at Fall City... sounds like a challenge

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Can't land a 737 at Fall City... sounds like a challenge

That's the right attitude. 8)

But seriously, that event log module might help since a generic g3d.dll would be a bummer but anything else, maybe more specific, may point at the culprit there.

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Howard, just follow this advice. http://windows.micro...en-Event-Viewer

Then you go to this spot. Windows Logs / Application

Posted Image

Look for the red i Error showing up in that log (you may have to scroll down to find it since most items will just have an i Information tag). Here's an example entry.

Posted Image

See that Error entry? Click it once and then the window section below it will show some details. That description is the thing we're looking for.

Looking at those entries isn't a special FSX skill, so you may also find it useful on other occasions.

And you may find out that people react differently on you (e. g. on the streets) when knowing about the magical Windows Event Log. Can't promise this last part though. ^-^

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Howard, just follow this advice. http://windows.micro...en-Event-Viewer

Then you go to this spot. Windows Logs / Application

Posted Image

Look for the red i Error showing up in that log (you may have to scroll down to find it since most items will just have an i Information tag). Here's an example entry.

Posted Image

See that Error entry? Click it once and then the window section below it will show some details. That description is the thing we're looking for.

Looking at those entries isn't a special FSX skill, so you may also find it useful on other occasions.

And you may find out that people react differently on you (e. g. on the streets) when knowing about the magical Windows Event Log. Can't promise this last part though. ^-^

Hi Matey, that's very helpful, thanks for the advice. I have tried taking a look but it was a couple of days ago and so I'm unable to see exactly where it is because of the initial setup problems I was having with TrackIR. But now I know where to look in future the moment I have a CTD or freeze. Thanks again...

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