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KHQM Bowerman and the smokestack of the factory....

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Hello dera friends :)

One thing is sure KHQM Bowerman is a real jewel a real perfection, congratulation for the author :wub:

I have a little question about KHQM Bowerman (it's not a bad review, juste a little question), to the east side from KHQM we can found one factory with a high smokestack. Sometime I can see a black smoke from this smokestack et sometime this black smoke disappears and I can see to the top of this smokestack one pink cube.

Is it normal ?

The creator of this incredible addon have installed one timer which shows this blake smoke or make it disappear ?

Here I join you one screenshot of this pink cube to the top of the smokestack:

Posted Image

If it's possible, please can you inform me about this blake smoke and this pink cube ?

A great thank's in advance, best regards. Olivier.

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Hello dear friends ;)

You are very funny and it's cool :D

you have discovered Tim's secret smoke box

Yes I found the mysterious secret and I'm very happy, I'm like Indiana Jones... >:D

In the bid for authenticity Tim installed an anti-pollution device!

Yes it's a good Idea, I'm a great fan of the nature and I protect the flora and fauna. ORBX protect mother earth and it's very good. :wub:

Thanks for the compliments!

You know Tim this addon is incredible and yes I can say you that you and all the team of ORBX are a great artists !!!

There's some hours I've receive the chock of my life when I saw the 22 screenshots of Anacortes Airport (74S), with this addon I'm sure that you have created the most beautiful scenery and the addon for FSX !!!

Congratulation and best regards and I've a good day, Olivier. ::)

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