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KHQM - No centerline or Rwy #


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Just had a great flight from KORS to KHQM and I noticed on final there were no centerline or rwy numbers. Also there are a few Cessna's that appear all white without tail numbers. Every thing else looks fantastic. Perhaps my settings are off :unsure:




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Hi Wolter-

My second flight into KHQM from KORS showed the centerline and rwy#, not sure what was going on there. I did go back to FTX Central and hit default then North American, although I did already do that so not sure if that was the problem. However three of the static Cessna's look to be in need of a paint job and some N numbers, they look good but are all white, no big deal. It was not apparent to me how to attach the file showing this, but perhaps if others have the same problem they can post a shot. Thanks again!



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Thanks Tim, I think I'll keep them. Hope they don't get busted for flying without an N number ::)

Great scenery and great location, nice GA distance from all the other PNW airports. If anyone can

get the 737NGX landed here let me know :unsure: having a little difficulty getting her stopped!!



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Heheh, I have been slamming the AirbusX in and out of this airport over the last few days, yes its tight, but with the correct fuel/pax loads its very doable, I also have been using the PMDG 737 though I'm not as versed in this aircraft (back to NGX school for me lol) and I find with half fuel and the short field pack its comfortable, the trick is touching down as soon as possible

Back when Bowerman was a military field (on an island then) the runway was widened and lengthened (I assume for bombers) which is why we have such a great runway today

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