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How to load scenery libraries, access FTX Central

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Hi all,

I hope I can get gebeneral direction with install problems.

The products look so cool--could not wait to see the people flow, etc in the FTX airports. I downloaded a couple airports and and extracted the files, then ran the installer. Was a bit surprised to not find a "read me" or install instructions. Ran the flight sim and saw no change to Murray Island or Launceston airports, the two I downloaded. I loaded the scenery and WOW what an improvement. But still no people or 3d grass. I scrounged around the web until I found I needed to install the FTXORBXLIBS in order for the grass and people to work in FSX I've installed aircraft before, following the "read me" instructions. Are there instructions and troubleshooting manuals for loading the ORBX Libraries and accessing FTX Central? When installing FTX Central, I get messages saying it "could not find part of the path.....FTXCentral\Regions."

Any suggestions for what I must do here in order to see the 3d grass and people flow?


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Hi scumshark,

Welcome to the FTX Forums :)

What exactly did you install and where ?

Also for support query's as per forum rules you'll need to add your ordernumber(s) to your Sig.

Info on how that's done you can find here => http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/1157-important-notice-please-add-your-order-to-your-sig-for-support/

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Thank you, Wolter. I failed to mention previously I do not have order numbers, I am using the free products only to start with. I will have a look at the Tassie Demo. Admittedly, I am losing interest in these products as I have now spent more time trying to operate them than I have spent flying. Respectfully, these complex, self-installing products do not come with a "readme" or basic install instructions. How am I to understand I need the Tassie Demo to run these products? How do you know this will solve the problem? I've had to register as a member and post to forums just to determine what likely would have been covered in a few sentences of instruction. Handing over money would be well worth it if I felt assured what I was buying will install and run without my having to run to this forum. I really would like Orbx products to compliment and enhance my FSX experience, but so far it has been an exhausting and unrewarding experience. Hoping this isn't the last time write here. Regretfully, john.

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It is pretty simple really.

The add-on airports are designed to match and work with the regions.

Whilst they are downloadable and free to use, full functionality (including automatic scenery entries) is a function integrated into the regions.

As they were designed to work with FTX regions, it stands to reason that you might have problems / extra steps if you are running them in a way that is different to their intended function.

It may be less confusing if they were restricted to existing users of FTX regions, but that wasn't the spirit in which they are made.

There are no guarantees that the Tasmania AuBlue demo will fix your problem, but it will give you core files that the airports need, and like the downloads you already have .. it is provided free of charge.

I'm not sure what more could be reasonably asked.

[Moved to Freeware Support Forum, given the additional information]

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Hi Ian,

Thanks for replying. Like other freeware, I download and install. If a problem arises there's usually a way to solve it. Install instructions, no matter how mundane or superfluous, go a long way toward mitigating the sort of install problems I currently experience. Where can I read the recommended order of FTX and Orbx products to install? It must have already been recorded someplace. I am not getting a clear picture of how these wonderful looking products work with each other and how they should be installed, and I am obviously willing to put in the time.

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Hi Bruce--

Did it install itself and was it accompanied by some instruction? I dont want to purchase stuff that is, how do I say this, non-intuitive to install. I've never had to work at installing software before this. I've obviously gotten off on the wrong foot!


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