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AU Traffic prevent Cold and Dark


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First of all, thank for all the great freeware provided to our community. Unfortunately, I find a serious bug (at least to me) in the latest AU Traffic V.3.20.

From the very first day, I used to have a Cold and Dark cockpit to start my flight but recently I find the Battery Switch and Avionic Master Switch are out of order. No matter how I switch, battery power and radio remain on.

After reinstall the whole Windows for 3 times, I find the problem is come from the AU Traffic V.3.20. When I turn FTX AI International Traffic On, the problem will appear. If it was disable, it is fixed.

Please fix this bugs. Thank you!

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Hi Allan,

That's a very odd one indeed, and hard to think of an immediate connection, or even a place to start looking.

I assume you are referring to "Cold and Dark" in the PMDG NGX ?

The AI International traffic produces the fault in a Reproducible way?? (ie more than once or twice).

The AI traffic is pretty standard FSX architecture, so I'm not sure why it would have any effect at all on PMDG cockpit functionality.

Graham may have some ideas.

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There are no links between the FSX Traffic files and the workings of the ‘cold and dark’ functionality so I am at a loss to understand how the two could be related. I start and finish all my flights in ‘cold and dark’ and have the FTX AI traffic selected all the time and all is still working fine.

Having said that, I have recompiled the International Airlines traffic file and attached it to this post for you to try. Just unzip it and save it to your SceneryWorldScenery folder in FSX overwriting the current file. Let me know if this helps.

Traffic_FTX International Airlines.zip

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to add to the topic,i also have trouble turning off the default fsx 747,electric panels when i shut down the engines using the key board keys shift+m,I only notice this since the traffic up date,this issue only happens on this plane.strange tho?.

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A little research on the MyTraffic X and UT2 websites would indicate that this may be an FSX issue and seems to relate to how many AI aircraft are at the airport and how close they are to the user aircraft. I’ve finally managed to recreate your issue but only at YSSY, while YMML and YBBN are both fine for me.

I’ll be away for the next 10 days so will not be able to look into this until I return. In the meantime, could you assist by checking a few of your airports and let me know if you can pinpoint any particular pattern.

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