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ORBX AI Traffic and WOAI traffic?


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HI - OH I didn't know that WOAI was only for FS9.

I'm just upgrading to FSX and working through what I require before I purchase, Thanks a million for pointing this out!

Regarding ORBX traffic. Does it also populate countries OTHER than Australia.

Many thanks. WilloW

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There is a way of converting the WOAI files to fsx format, so you can use them alongside with FTX AI traffic.

You may want to look for a program called bglfpfsxconvert on avsim or with the help of a google search.

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Willow, one other point to consider. WOAI will work with FSX like others have mentioned, I have been using WOAI along with Ultimate traffic 2 but WOAI models will only show in one shade of grey of you use the DX10 Preview in FSX. If this does not apply to you then you are all set. I use WOAI files for a lot of the freight carriers like Fedex and UPS that dont come with some other programs.


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Just to expand on Dave's post. FS9 compiled AI Traffic files have a different day structure to FSX compiled ones so when FSX finds both in the FSX file system, it chooses the FS9 ones and ignores the FSX ones as it cannot handle both at once. True that the FS9 ones will run fine but at the expense of any FSX ones you may have on your system.

WOAI and MAIW as well as Alpha India Group provide AI traffic files in FS9 format as that is where there main user base is. These files work equally well on both FS versions but when used on FSX will shut out any FSX compiled AI traffic files such as the payware ones from UT2, My Traffic X etc and many freeware ones such as our own FTX AU Traffic pack. You will also find the FSX default AI traffic is excluded as well.

You can convert the FS9 files to FSX ones using Don Grovestine’s AI Flight planner which can be found here. http://stuff4fs.com/...asp?folder=AIFP The download option is in the left hand panel as ‘Latest Release’. Be advised though that this program does not actually ‘convert’ the FS9 traffic files but actually creates a new FSX version. You then need to go back and delete the older FS9 ones.

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I use AI Flightplanner, which has a tool to find and convert WOAI files to FSX format.Don't forget to check the box to put "FSX" in the new files name, and delete theold FS9 versions when conversion is finished. I Use Both ORBX and Converted WOAI as well as a commercial addon and have no problems

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