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Hi Guys,

I am not looking for technical help here, I am really just curios if anyone else has or is running ConcordeX.

First install took me seven attempts to get it running, only to find I had low-level graphics, no undercarriage or dials.

I did go over to the Simlabs forums and found one or two solutions, which did work, it was a memory buffer addition to the fsx.cfg file. Side effects where poor graphics, everything from scenery to cockpit resolution now looks really low level even though its all set very high.

Sound drivers have all been switched to other devices. My whole system is not itself, even my web browser now opens dual web pages. :lol:

I’ll get it sorted out ok, I am really just wondering if anyone else is using this product.

Cheers Phil.

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I have it running ok, although I dont fly it often as its a tough aircraft to fly single-handedly!

I do recall though haveing similar issues when I first installed it, but I got the answers from the forums as you have, and I dont suffer those secondary issues you mention. Not sure what could be the issue there?

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Thanks Guys,

Dean, that's good to know. :)

Peter, I'll look forwards to your review.

I was going to go over to the Simlabs forum and get help, but in about 2 - 3 months, I'll have upgrade to an i7 with about 8 - 16Mb DDR3 which I feel will make a big difference, hopefully I'll not need help.

I'm currently running a Phenom II 550, which is unlocked to run as a quad core at 3.6Ghz, 4Gb of DDR2 memory, I think this is my real problem, memory bottleneck and not enough processing power.

I have checked out my fsx.cfg and SL has added quite a few DLL's to run with ConcordeX so I'll have a closer look, but as I say I don't think it's worth spending too much time on it just now when the upgrade is so close.

Thanks again, :D

Cheers Phil.

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Thanks Guys,

Dean, that's good to know. :)

Peter, I'll look forwards to your review.

I was going to go over to the Simlabs forum and get help, but in about 2 - 3 months, I'll have upgrade to an i7 with about 8 - 16Mb DDR3 which I feel will make a big difference, hopefully I'll not need help.

I'm currently running a Phenom II 550, which is unlocked to run as a quad core at 3.6Ghz, 4Gb of DDR2 memory, I think this is my real problem, memory bottleneck and not enough processing power.

I have checked out my fsx.cfg and SL has added quite a few DLL's to run with ConcordeX so I'll have a closer look, but as I say I don't think it's worth spending too much time on it just now when the upgrade is so close.

Thanks again, :D

Cheers Phil.

I have it working OK - my spec: AMD 6400+ 3.21,WIN7 64,GTX 460, 250 sata HD,4gig ram,ASUS M2N32 mb

Runs around 16 to 18 and runs OK - all popups work and it drops to around 12 at YMML . I must be "lucky" with my old setup - hope your new one works ok for you. Goes up to 25 when in sky :D

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The only thing recommended (though I would call it mandatory) on the FSX settings is the Highmenfix=1 value in the fsx.cfg. Apart from people needing to update their DirectX install and/or graphic drivers, I can't remember general issues on her.

She adds quite some memory amount to the one from the fsx.exe, so the best way to run her would be a 64bit system in my eyes since she on detailed scenery sometimes may go beyond 2GB there.

She is a resource eating lady, no doubts, and a general setting of low autogen can be recommended, maybe lower than on most of your other detailed addons. Tons of time for the manuals and even more on training to fly her close to rw operations are to be expected.

They did a great job on the Virtual Flight Engineer (VFE), which really helps you on the first steps out of the hangar by keeping some workload away from you. The INS, if new to you, has some more details (and manuals) to discover and is absolutely mandatory on that plane.

Later, when you easily run the whole fuel thing without the VFE and maybe have some touch&go hours behind you, you may like her very much. Before that, you may sometimes switch to easier models, to get back some motivation. At least that's what I've experienced there, but now I love her, like the real thing. :)

From memory, some technical trouble may be expected when using FSInn (start it up first, then switch to the Conc) and also on exiting the sim, where something seems to trigger a 'dirty end', so FSX/Windows complains about a broken operation then.

She installs those similar three dlls which older PMDG titles do too and I've found the operation to be better if you either have the PMDG stuff or the FSL things in your dll.xml, not both at the same time.

Just in case, I would also exclude the dll from Leonardo, Feelthere, Captain Sim and so on when flying her. Maybe this stuff otherwise interacts in a not expected way, which then may lead to some problems described.

I for one have her running since day 1 of the release and only saw some reported forum trouble when the rather sensible memory, dll, highmenfix setup got disturbed by other things.

With the latest installer, the Civa INS gauge is installed automatically, so this, former, trouble end isn't one anymore.

The dll similarities arise from the fact that Lefteris is a former PMDG fellow, so some tech approach may have arrived at the new company of his too.

To be honest, I take her as one of THE releases in the sim for me, sadly a bit underestimated most of the time and also very unique and difficult to learn, so some potential buyers may get distracted before eventually exploring the beauty and uniqueness of the fast lady.

A totally different aspect in flying and operation than on all other birds I own. I like her for that.

For the rest, the forums over there are the best idea of course. You'll find all sorts of useful links and information being collected there, besides all the solutions to major or minor things to happen.

Bursco, when reading your signature, you actually had to buy her, huh? :)

Near EGCC - Home of Concorde

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Thanks for that Bursco, that’s good news for me, ;)

CooIP, I can’t thank you enough for your input, I don’t have time right now to look into it, but this weekend, I’ll have a really good look at it. :D

I do have the PMDG JS41 installed along with FS2crew, plus a load of captain sim’s aircraft. So I have a lot to think about till the weekend.

The info you have given is extremely helpful and interesting, cheers for that.

Thanks again Guy’s, Phil. :)

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Do you remember the Conc being part of the default FS installation? One can e. g. still see the nose commands being part of the FSX key/joystick command list.

With the later payware releases, the thing became more complex and also stressed the need for some sort of preparation, which doesn't render her a nice 'jump in and just fly' plane in the sim, like for example any FMC bird would be (in relationship to her).

This is a factor of course, if you are limited in time for your hobby.

I have been to see her twice and will go again - live 20 mls from MCTR airport.

Greetings to the old but fast lady. :) Lets hope she gets a successor in the near future. There's a big gap now in hearts, minds and history.
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Purchased the Conc a few months ago, would not install on my system, now awaiting my new desktop system, see specs below, this comp will only have FSX, ORBX, G=Plan, Google Earth & Concorde X.

We have been on the Concorde from UK to New York (as passengers)really enjoyed the flight, two months before it stopped flying.

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We have been on the Concorde from UK to New York (as passengers)really enjoyed the flight, two months before it stopped flying.

Did you miss the inflight entertainment? I guess not. B)

What system did you have before regarding the 'would not install on my system' thingy? Just out of interest.

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