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Hi All, I have been very busy lately and have not had time for a proper flight of at least an hour.

I usually try to fly in the sim at least a little every day. I have not flown since Saturday.... 5 whole days.

what little time I have after work has been going to household chores and to tell the truth I have been fiddling around with a certain Polish made RPG sequel at night....not flying but playing another video game has me feeling a bit guilty. Any one ever feel like that And what is the longest you have abstained from simulated flight?

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I was away for over a week once when my machine let go big style and blew the motherboard, but i also get around one hour after work every night some times more hours than i should are spent in front of the screen flying around i hold my hands up and say my name is Iain and im addicted to ORBX land.



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I stopped simming all together for about a year... before I finally got a new rig to make FSX do what I wanted it to do in the first place. Now I still don't fly the sim every day, but I'm currently building a few control gizmos and investing in a few new hardware options to make my flying a lot more realistic... After which, I'm sure I will be simming every day.

Until Mass Effect 3 comes out that is... Then I suspect EVERYTHING will go on hold till I complete that!

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I've gone on breaks of a few months or so over the years. I have been dedicated flight simming since FS version 2 in the early 80's though so I do need to have some time away from it occasionally.

My other addiction away from FSX is Empire Total War as I am a huge history fanatic. I love that you can re-enact historic battles as a General. Other then that I don't have other software games of simulators that I play.

Cheers :D

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It's not a mistake to take a break now and then. If you play/do nothing else you might get an overdose and loose interest completely. Get a good game (i highly recommend Portal 2 :D) and have some fun. So when you fire up the sim, you'll feel like after a holiday trip - good to be home again ;).

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It doesn't hurt to have more than one hobby! For my I've become addicted to iRacing and the intensity of racing real people and driving smoothly on the limit.

I too have invested heavily in flight sim and do feel guilty when I'm not flying, but always remember the story about the donkey:


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