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Nice spot found


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Hi Guys,

right now I am doing a tour through Australian Blue and Gold in my Katana. Today I did a flight from Warnervale just going north. I got no specific target just wanted to do some sightseeing. Well, after one and a half hour I wanted to get a break looked up in the GPS and found Taree at about 20 miles ahead. So I looked up all frequencies and whatever and had no time to look at the landscape.

But then when I took a glance out of the window I saw this and decided to take my break here.

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If you want to find it, it is at about twenty miles south from Taree.

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Glad you found it, you put these lesser known strips out there and wonder if anyone ever finds them, It's Wallis Island Forster, and those lakes are a major tourist attraction, also if you stick to the coast theres another little place called Old Bar, just follow the coast up and the strip is almost on the beach, if you head inland from there you'll find Taree, just happens to be the place I did my 1st Nav lesson when learning to fly. Thanks for posting the great pictures and enjoy the rest of the journey.



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Thanks for the information, Ken. I hope I will have some time later to have a look for the Old Bar (does the word Bar mean the geometrical figure or the place to get a cold beer? Would prefer the second one ;) ).


I started to fly only in the VC when doing VFR cause when changing to outside view it kicks out of the feeling of flying an aircraft.

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(does the word Bar mean the geometrical figure or the place to get a cold beer? Would prefer the second one ;) ).

I wish for the second also, however it refers to the sand bar in the waterways there, it's the end of the line for the main river that runs through Taree, very picturesque spot also great fishing, unfortunatley the beers will have to be virtual or BYO.



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