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Lancair V1.2 Patch Causes FSX Crash


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Installed the Lancair directly after purchase and had it run just fine in FSX. Then installed

the V1.2 patch and now FSX crashes all the time just after selecting the Lancair. The error is

shown as follows:

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: ..es(X86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight SimulatorX\fsx.exe

File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self-x86\crt\src\fprintf.c

Line: 55

Expression: (str != NULL)

and of course I have no "f drive".

I must reinstall using the original OrbxLancairIV-P100.exe inorder to keep this from happening.

I tried searching the forum, but didnt see a problem that looked this - any help to be had? Thx.

Chris Bybee

Order Number: FSS0117584

Order Date: 2011-06-19

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Reapplied the V1.2 patch again to be sure, and the crash has returned.

However, if I move really, really fast I can get into a flying session before the error strikes,

but when I try to come out of the simulation and back to FSX menus I get the posted error instantly.

Chris B.

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Can you please navigate to the following folder ..\SimObjects\Airplanes\Orbx_Lancair_IVP\panel and open the file called panel.cfg using a text editor. Scroll down to where it says [Vcockpit00] and where it says gauge02=Hobbs!DEBUG, 0,300,0,0 place a "//" in front of it so that it looks like this //gauge02=Hobbs!DEBUG, 0,300,0,0 Save the file and test the simulator. If this crash is caused by this entry (Which is a refrence to an redundant testing file) it is an easy fix for the next patch.

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Are you using the default options?

if not...

RXP can be known to cause a similar message if the instalation instructions are not followed carefully.

also please try renaming the following file just in case.

..\Gauges\Hobbs.gau to HobbsOFF.gau

Also your system information might be helpfull.

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Are you using the default options?

if not...

RXP can be known to cause a similar message if the instalation instructions are not followed carefully.

also please try renaming the following file just in case.

..\Gauges\Hobbs.gau to HobbsOFF.gau

Also your system information might be helpfull.

The renaming of that file seems to have taken care of the issue - Many Thx Jared!

FYI - As far as I know I am running all the defaults other than selecting the steerable nose wheel in the Lancair Control Panel.

Update: Just checked the config again - RXP Radios were not selected. (and never have been to my knowledge)

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Ok so that means that you have some sort of conflict with the hobbs system going on... this will mean that the hobbs meter will no longer work for you, just out of curiosity are the following files present in your instalation?



and if so what are thier contents? should be openable with a text editor.

If you don't want to persue it let me know and i will close the topic since it seems to be an isolated issue.

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Ok so that means that you have some sort of conflict with the hobbs system going on... this will mean that the hobbs meter will no longer work for you, just out of curiosity are the following files present in your instalation?



and if so what are thier contents? should be openable with a text editor.

If you don't want to persue it let me know and i will close the topic since it seems to be an isolated issue.

Both files are present, but each has only one entry of 0.000 - nothing else.

Asking a dumb question now, but since I am a newb to the Lancair, I dont even know what the Hobbs meter is :)

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Thats ok, a hobbs meter is just an hour counter, realy a pretty rare item to find in an addon aircraft and is not nessicary for any of the functions of the aircraft so you should be fine without it.

If those files were not present then you can expect a crash as soon as the aircraft is loaded. Since they both read zero it means that it has not been working anyway and it's unlikley to be the cause. I would probably say it's most likley some piece of third party addon conflicting with our main hobbs handler or even something to do with comunication permissions on your system but since it is so far isolated it's kind of like finding a needle in a haystack.

Unless we get some new reports of the same issue I think we can call this resolved, however for future diagnostic purposes if you could list any other addons that you have installed we would certainly appreciate the help.

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Thats ok, a hobbs meter is just an hour counter, realy a pretty rare item to find in an addon aircraft and is not nessicary for any of the functions of the aircraft so you should be fine without it.

If those files were not present then you can expect a crash as soon as the aircraft is loaded. Since they both read zero it means that it has not been working anyway and it's unlikley to be the cause. I would probably say it's most likley some piece of third party addon conflicting with our main hobbs handler or even something to do with comunication permissions on your system but since it is so far isolated it's kind of like finding a needle in a haystack.

Unless we get some new reports of the same issue I think we can call this resolved, however for future diagnostic purposes if you could list any other addons that you have installed we would certainly appreciate the help.

As far as strictly software add-ons, right now the only item is your PNW Demo area.

I do have a number of pieces of Saitek hardware (yoke, multi-panel, rudder pedals and throttle quads) with their associated drivers - but at the moment I am back to using a Logitech Attack3 joystick and one Saitek throttle quad.

That's all thats in play currently.

Thx again for your help.

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Installed the Lancair directly after purchase and had it run just fine in FSX. Then installed

the V1.2 patch and now FSX crashes all the time just after selecting the Lancair. The error is

shown as follows:

Debug Assertion Failed!

Program: ..es(X86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight SimulatorX\fsx.exe

File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self-x86\crt\src\fprintf.c

Line: 55

Expression: (str != NULL)

and of course I have no "f drive".

I must reinstall using the original OrbxLancairIV-P100.exe inorder to keep this from happening.

I tried searching the forum, but didnt see a problem that looked this - any help to be had? Thx.

Chris Bybee

Order Number: FSS0117584

Order Date: 2011-06-19

Very interesting,I am having the exact same thing ,I have just installed everything on a new computer,never had it on the old one running WinXP,so will see if the same fix works on mine,am not finding Win7 very easy to use after XP so it may take awhile to even find tht file,oh well,will give it a try,Thanks,Doc.

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Looks like the two // fix one problem but create others,:-) ,perhaps I can try some of the others you suggested and see how I go,or perhaps just remove the update might be a better way for the time being,damm, Doc.....

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please try renaming the following file just in case.

..\Gauges\Hobbs.gau to HobbsOFF.gau

Also your system information might be helpfull.

This is the solution that worked for the other user. As for the root cause we are looking into it. Again a list of addons that you have installed could be usefull
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This is the solution that worked for the other user. As for the root cause we are looking into it. Again a list of addons that you have installed could be usefull

Thanks Jared,

That seems to be fine now,no sign of any problems so far which is great,I do not have much in the way of Add-ons on this installation,just the basic ones and only whats relevent to flying in W.A.that gives me a very large area to fly in :-) and the Lancair is a nice aircraft,thank for your help,cheers all,Doc

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