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Soarin' the Sand Patch

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G'day all,

Another little something different from me tonight... this time I'm getting some real flying :P done over the Sand Patch, a 10km coastal ridge soaring spot for hang gliders near Albany in WA. It's a sunny summer afternoon with a good stiff SW sea breeze piling up on the cliffs, generating some decent lift courtesy of CumulusX. Enjoy the flight!

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OK, here we go. The wing is unpacked and rigged, preflight's done and I'm all hooked in and ready for a launch from near Grove Hill (not the actual launch point, but easier to find in FSX!!) There's 18kts of breeze blowing straight onto the cliff, so let's pull on a little VG (flaps) and it's time to run for the edge.

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And we're away. Gear's up and in the bag :P VG's out and we're soaring fast in some real nice lift. Albany Wind Farm to the right, and miles of empty ridge ahead.

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The lift is proving nice and constant, cruising here at 40kts and still climbing. Speed run time!!

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Screaming along the ridge now, 75kts and sinking through even ridge lift.

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Returning up the coast after running at speed all the way to the western end, hit a boomer of a thermal right near the wind farm. Awesome! More altitude to trade for velocity :D

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Second run out and back, and the boomer's still working. Gonna head back to the launch point now.

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Carving all the way back along the ridge, nice big lazy turns, no hurry at all. Looking out across Princess Royal Harbour, the Vancouver Peninsula and King George Sound. The two islands in the Sound are Michaelmas and Breaksea.

Posted ImageBack to the launching point now, about to turn downwind for the approach. Hard turn back into the wind, legs out of the bag, VG on, push out and flare and we're back on the ground.

All that's left now is to pack up and head back to town for a cold beer! Hope you enjoyed the ride.



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Hey Derek, what a great set of pics. Thanks so much for posting them. They took me straight back to when I flew hang gliders in the late 70's. Highest height gain 6,750ft ASL longest XC 35 miles, not far by today's standards but back then in good old blighty it was a milestone for me! I have this little add on and have yet to spend some time with it. At the moment I'm busy learning about the iFLY 737, somewhat different don't you think! :D

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Thanks Folks!

You know, I never realised till just now that the Atos wing is translucent... you can see the internal ribs from underneath.

Hey Derek, what a great set of pics. Thanks so much for posting them. They took me straight back to when I flew hang gliders in the late 70's. Highest height gain 6,750ft ASL longest XC 35 miles, not far by today's standards but back then in good old blighty it was a milestone for me! I have this little add on and have yet to spend some time with it. At the moment I'm busy learning about the iFLY 737, somewhat different don't you think! :D

Wow Howard that's great. I've only done a little Dune Gooning with a mate who flies, but I'm planning on doing my Restricted License later this year, if I can fit it in with learning to fly sailplanes as well, I'm working towards my solo cert there :P

I'm was going to get the iFly 737 as well but have decided to hold off on any more spending after the May Madness sale cleaned me out, I was trying to save some dough to get the parts for a new PC together - that's going to take priority now.



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