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RFDS Variety Bash

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G'day all,

Second post for me today! Being off work and home with the flu is one cloud with a very nice silver lining. A whole day of flight simming behind me and a whole heap of screenies to post, and more to edit in funky ways later on ;)

For this second Pilatus PC12 flight I've loaded up Butch's very nice Royal Flying Doctor Service paint that features some Variety Club promos. I wanted a slightly longer flight this time so I've headed East... all the way over the other side of the country to Avalon, for a VIP fundraising flight down to Launceston on a beautiful summer's evening. Take your seats, grab your complimentary glass of champagne and enjoy the flight.

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Doing my walkaround. Who knew the RFDS had a red carpet service?? How did they know I was coming? Oh, it's for the VIP's.

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The almighty Avalon U-Turn. At the end of what must be the longest taxi yet encountered by mankind. Yeah, see those buildings way way over there in the distance? No? That's the airport.

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Screaming down Runway 36 and heading for a big blue sky. I love the sound of turboprops running full tilt.

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The PC12 literally leaps into the air and climbs like a bat out of hell. Seen here departing Avalon at some ridiculously high VS. Hmm, Pilatus seem to have fitted some of these new fangled transparent aluminium wings... the landing lights shine right through when folded into the wheel wells. Better give this one the Shockwave treatment methinks...

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Nearing the first step in the climb at 8,000' and the weather is looking mighty fine. There's a 25kt WSW wind blowing but it looks like clear sailing (err.. flying) all the way.

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A quick snapshot while stepping up to 14,000' of all the little Cu's forming up and a lovely deep blue summer sky.

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Leaving the Mornington Peninsula and finally cleared to 18,000' for the crossing of the strait.

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Turning South over the Cowes VOR on Phillip Island. Next toilet stop - Taswegia.

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Making landfall near Wynard after an easy and uneventful crossing of the Bass Strait. Sun's getting pretty low and it's looking like being an absolute pearler of a sunset. Putting on the show for the VIP's.

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Yep, she's colouring up nicely alright.

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On descent to 3,300' and just being told to divert to the South of Launy to make my ILS approach through the Nile NDB.

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Ooooh, astronomy nerd time. Look what the bright sunlight was hiding! It's a last day crescent moon! Getting dark, so time to fire up the recognition lights.

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Another shot of our nearest moon and nearest star. First couple of stars for the evening peeking out too. Pretty...

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On long final into Launy, all lined up for an ILS approach and descending perfectly on profile as we enter the Twilight Zone...

Of course, being the idiot I am, I brushed the "Esc" key a few moments after that last shot as I fumbled to close the ATC window with the "~" key. This caused my PC to have a hissy fit and crash to desktop. Pity, I was really enjoying that flight...

Thanks for flying with the RFDS Variety Club Bash to Launy, hope you all enjoyed the flight.



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Thankyou everyone! Unfortunately all your well wishes seem to have done the job - I'm all better and back at work now. Back to the old grind, so to speak. Minimum flying time, in other words :lol:

Fantastic shots Derek and a great plane as well. Mate only one question, how do you get the water that greenish colour?

Some of it is due to sky and cloud reflection (I use 2x medium or high water settings), some of it from my chosen REX settings which are as follows...

Wave Animation - Ethereal [OD]

Tropical Water - Heavenly Beyond, edited plankton level to make it a bit more turquoise

Ocean Water - edited with slightly more contrast, lower brightness and higher saturation

Sky Theme - Bold [OD]

I also use the Shader3.0 mod, which likely effects my water rendering somewhat.

Loved the set and the narration Derek! Always enjoy seeing the PC12 out and about!

Thanks mate! It was your vid that gave me the nudge I needed. Had the PC12 languishing in my hangar largely unused. It had the misfortune of being purchased at the same time as the JS41, which of course took up a lot of my attention at the time. Now that I've started to fly it, I really like it... an excellent high speed, mid altitude cruiser. Great for those 1-2 hour regional dashes!



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