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Welcome to the new forums....

Jay Kae

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I like the new boards personally, it has potential.

Any chance of getting custom ORBX icons back for the read/unread forum headers? Or changing the colors to a more green/blue ORBX theme? Things like that added to the uniqueness of being here as opposed to any other 8 million forums that look exactly the same.

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To the aged members who have difficulty with the text:

Scroll down to the very bottom of the page .... try the IPBoard standard layout. (see picture)

This makes the text a little darker, and better contrast

Thanks for the suggestion, Ian! Although I'm not aged, I prefer this layout, I think it's better than the "CleanCut" one (but it's only a matter of taste, of course :) ). Full agree with Jigsaw's opinion - the logo is an important thing for a commercial company!

BTW, I really like that new picture resizing function, no more need to move the scroll bar left and right all the time.

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Thanks Jay. Usually I don't go in for changes right away but alway welcome them anyway. I do like the new format even tho I'm still trying to get used to them. I do notice that my active posts (1117) do not upgrade to the next higher number after I make a post. It has been staying the same (still at 1117). When I go to my profile the number there shows the latest higher number. Is this me or is this normal? Maybe there is still some things I don't understand.

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Hey all,

As you can see, it was not just maintenance, it was a complete conversion from one forum software to another. Now a lot of people are not going to like this first up, I know and I realise that and all I ask of you is to give it a chance. Yes, there is lots of functionality still missing but I will be adding my to do list to this shortly. Please report any issues with the forum in this thread.

Enjoy the new home for FTX !!


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  • Avatar Issue -- Cannot be fixed, an issue in moving the forums over lost a lot of avatars, please redo your avatars
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Jay, I'm puzzled. I open my current post - Favourite Plane, Favourite Place - and only one of the pictures posted is showing. The others are reduced to lines of text, which show a setting of 1160 x 652. So I post two more pix with that setting, and your computer doesn't modify them. Can I take it that 1160 x 652 is now the optimum setting?

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Guest J van E

Another nice (and very simple) thing (which always annoyed me on the old forum): when quoting someone, a hard return is now placed between the quote and your text automically. Finally. ;) On the old forum I always had to enter an Enter to make things look good.

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my post count shows 0 (should be 25 now). Am I doing something wrong? :)

But I like the new forum. Great work, Jay! Although I miss the clock on the left top corner of the forum a little bit. It was always nice to see what time it is in Melbourne.



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. . . Could you please enlarge the default font size . . . Yours in the creeping infirmity of the aged . . . .

Oh, +1 !! I'm going about here with my little mouse-click magnifier switched-on, and my eyes are watering.

Other than that, "change / holiday", and so forth. I don't envy you all of your hard work, JayKay!

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To the aged members who have difficulty with the text:

Scroll down to the very bottom of the page .... try the IPBoard standard layout.

This makes the text a little darker, and better contrast

Nice Find! Many BIG thanks for that tip, Ian!

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That is correct, I was wondering what people were talking about and when installing the board I omitted to get rid of the CleanCut skin. It would be a logistical nightmare to have more than one skin with this many users :)

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Just advising you that I switched to the IP .Board layout to see how that looked and the Clean-Cut option is no longer available to switch back to?

EDIT: The bat beat me to it!

It is likely that Jay not only knows about it ... but that he is the cause ;) (Same has happened for me too Paul)

Remember, many things will come and go .. and it is very unlikely that the forum will stay looking exactly as it is.

Key priorities (I'm guessing) are to get core elements FUNCTIONING.

You are watching something evolve ... so sit back, relax .... adopt a calm air and enjoy all Jay's hard work.

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Hi Jay Kae,

I joined 22 June 2007 and have just been promoted from 'Life Member' to 'Newbie', feel much younger now, but the font is still a little small for us oldies - a strain to read instead of a pleasure - can you help us out?

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Hi Bill,

I have noticed some peoples post counts have been dropping to 0, which is giving you the "newbie" title, but of those I saw that dropped to 0 it was reinstated again some time after, so just hang in there I would say

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Guys, all people who are messaging me about missing post count and member status, I am aware of this issue but it is not high on the list because it is not a showstopping issue so please be patient, I will get to it soon enough

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Awesome constructive feedback mate, please define 'this' for me, so I might endeavour to fix it for you?

Sorry, it was an initial reaction to the first iteration of the forum - and I retract it. I just liked the distinctive look of the old forums.

When these new forums were first launched without the orbx banners and other orbx tags, I couldn't tell whether I was here, or at the Avsim or Aerosoft or Airsimmer forums....

Now that the orbx banners etc are back, I think it is looking a lot better, and obviously that's due to your hard work (although, I still think it would be nice to use a colour scheme that is different to Avsim's and Aerosoft's).

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jusj no dramas, I just found it a little harsh lol no harm done, working on colour scheme etc still, most admins would close their forums down 100% for all this but I figure that it is nice for people to see things progress along the way.

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