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John York

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I've had a few flights in the Lancair and have read the Pilots Guide word for word but must confess I'm having difficulty in finding how to turn on the auto pilot.

I really like this aircraft but for the longer...ish flights do need the auto pilot, so can someone enlighten me please?

Many thanks.


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Hi John, sure I know, I had the same problem. I have not read the manual yet and so it's all a bit on the fly I'm afraid. My last flight I did get it working and from what I remember it was extremely easy! I'm sure it's as difficult or as easy as you want to make it, but if I remember correctly it was simply a matter of flying the plane on it's correct course and altitude and clicking one button AP (?) As I said, this is from memory but it's a bit of info until someone else comes along with the answer!  ;)

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Yeah, but that's the problem Howard.  There ain't no 'AP' button to press.  I've got it working of sorts now and the heading is easy.  Trying to get it to climb and fly to the correct altitude is not!  I've just flown the 250 odd miles from Bristol to Dublin experimenting all the way but can't get either the altitude AP or the ILS frequencies to work! ::)

The answer is in the name to ATC give it I suppose 'Experimental'! ;);D

Someone'll come up with the answer I expect.  Nice to fly though don't you think?  Very responsive to the normal controls.


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John, try this, switch on the centre switch to the right, turn to on. Then click HDG, this should maintain your current course and if you then click ALT it should hold your current altitude. I don't know at the moment how you input a flight plan, but I never find that  aproblem, I fly VFR 99% of the time anyway. i get my heading and altitude and then apply AP, although I don't fly with AP avery much, hence my slight ignorance. Let me know how you get on  ;)

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Hi Howard

I already did that.  As I said the heading bug worked well but the 'Alt' switch either sent it into a dive or made it gain height.

Somehow, its tied in with the VS but I can't fathom out how to make it obey commands.  I've even put the altitude in using the figures running below that panel and that doesn't do it either.

Its the blind leading the blind here so I'll wait for one of the Ausies to respond.  They may also have the answer to entering the ILS frequencies as well although I think that may be in the pilots guide somewhere.

Thanks for trying.


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Set you altitude first, say 10000 - then click vs and set your climb rate and it will take you to 10000 at the climb rate you put in, say 700fpm........when you reach 10000, then the alt will light up and you will hold it there.  Two thinks I have found - 1st...........I always have to toggle off/on the Avionics switch on the lower right of panel..........................I always have to take off and get pitch stabilized and reach about 2000 ft BEFORE I click vs or heading.  That's what me has to do with the Lancair.....and it works fine.

Hopefully, this "may" help.


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Pressing the heading hold or nav hold activates the autopilot master. Programed to mimic the real world Stec the autopilot requires a navigational function to be activated first (Aleron axis) before the elevator axis can be activated.

This is described in detail in the user manual, page 88 second last paragraph on the page.

The autopilot first has to be activated on the roll axis. Therefore attempting to activate any of the

functions that require a pitch component i.e. altitude hold, vertical speed hold, approach hold etc will not

work unless Heading or Nav mode have been activated first.

Please use the simple indexes provided in the manual if you are having trouble with specific systems. Great care was taken to ensure as much of the aircrafts functions were described in detail prior to release and we went to great lengths to make the manual as easy to navigate as possible.

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BTW the best way to find an altitude is to activate the VS to climb to that altitude and as you reach it reduce the VS to zero then activate the altitude hold. note that there is a known error often as much as 300 ft when in the FLs We are trying to find the exact cause and if it is found there will be an announcment that it will be in the SP

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'The autopilot first has to be activated on the roll axis. Therefore attempting to activate any of the

functions that require a pitch component i.e. altitude hold, vertical speed hold, approach hold etc will not

work unless Heading or Nav mode have been activated first.'

Yes, Jared, I read all that and frankly didn't understand it!

I know its me.  I'm an idiot.  So, that's why I wrote.  With the various replies, I think, only think mind, I've got it sorted in my brain.  However, we'll have to see if sorting it in my brain actually works in practice, and that Jared, my friend, is in the lap of the Gods as only they decide when I've got something licked or not!

At this stage in my life its only about 50,50 ;);D


PS - Hour or so later.  Yep, nailed it.  after a bit of experimenting got it spot on cruising at 2500'.

Now the fun's going to start with flying IFR.  Mind you, it lands so beautifully that unless you can't see hand in front of your face, ILS is unnecessary.

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