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Amazing ORBX


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I just went through some 3 hours staggering GEX US/Europe update procedures - besides reading miles of instruction!

So my expectations were obviously high when I finally were ready to fly in a couple of GEX areas.

Boy! what a disappointment! And no actual improvements.  :(

When getting use to ORBX, the GEX scenery seems pathetic - as flying around in a cartoon or a doll house for that matter.

So get on with it ORBX! - cover the rest of the world, please!  ;) 

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I just took delivery of my 49.95AUSD Australia and it's really impressive.

Trying to find my way around a whole new continent is a challenge.

I haven't even visited everywhere in PNW, or PFJ or NRM.....and more still to come!



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Although I agree that Orbx surpasses the quality of above mentioned sceneries I can understand people using them. I was one of them in the past, contemplating I'd rather have improved textures for a very large region instead of excellent textures with accurate landclass for a relatively smaller region. Then came March 1st 2008 and I decided to try AU Blue, only to find out my approach to enhancing FSX had been totally wrong :)

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Although I agree that Orbx surpasses the quality of above mentioned sceneries I can understand people using them. I was one of them in the past, contemplating I'd rather have improved textures for a very large region instead of excellent textures with accurate landclass for a relatively smaller region. Then came March 1st 2008 and I decided to try AU Blue, only to find out my approach to enhancing FSX had been totally wrong :)

Ditto, Bert.  I had a very similar experience.  After buying/installing Blue, my eyes must've gone all saucer-like, and I soon had every scenery Orbx produces.  Still at it, too.

I figure I can travel throughout Oz, and the current NA sceneries without seeing every place of interest -- and even if I came close, the buggers will be producing new areas.  For me, at my age, the old adage fits: "So many places to see; so little time to do it in!"

If that sounds anything like a complaint, it isn't!  Flight Simming ascended to a state of bliss, with the advent of Orbx sceneries.

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