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fitzroy crossing


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Hi folks, I have decided to take up the endeavor of circumnavigating the Australian continent as others on the forum have done I left from Karratha,to Port Hedland  then off to Broome. and then to Fitzroy Crossing and was surprised to see no autogen there .the picture of the houses was there but none of your lovingly placed orbx autogen homes. I was a bit sad but can understand how this could be overlooked.

I just want to know if this is the way it was made or not so I can get on with my life and not think there may be some wrong to be righted within my system. thanx in advance for any reply :)

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Halls Creek and Fitzroy Crossing have been a particular bugbear of the FTX release, somehow they were missed out from an early release, then they were restored, then next time they disappeared again... I know there are files floating around to restore the missing autogen.  Have you tried a search for fitzroy in this forum ?  It might throw up an old entry.

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