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Sending best wishes down under


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So sorry to see the images and news reports of the devastating flood's that are rampaging across NE Australia. I live in Central Florida and we have had hurricanes that are major threats to life and livelihood, I know how nature can change lives in an instant.  But for all of my ORBX and OZx friends, I'm hopeful that all of the devastation and danger with the flooding that has come to your beautiful country, will not reach you and spare all of you any grief and hardship.

Wishing my Aussie friends a quick end to this terrible destruction and I hope that when these floods end, and they will end, a fast recovery awaits all of you and your country. I love Australia and I hate seeing such a wonderful place being damaged.

Let whoever you believe in, bring us all peace and sanity to our world and lives.

God Bless,


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Thanks for starting this post Brad, I was thinking the same.  Horrid situation to be in, I can only sit here and imagine the pain and misery folks are having to endure.

Best wishes to those impacted.  I hope you all remain safe from harm.


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