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Rather strange...


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Hi Alain, speedstep? Is that another name for the pseudo 'turbo' or such thing in BIOS? If so, I did that only over the weekend...

In your BIOS you should find an option called: Intel Speedstep, you should disable that. I cant remember which tab its under, but another thing you can do is download CPU-Z and open that it will tell you what your CPU is currently running at.


Let us know what you find!



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Hi Alain, speedstep? Is that another name for the pseudo 'turbo' or such thing in BIOS? If so, I did that only over the weekend...

Hawk is right, CPU-Z is good at telling your CPU overclock.

He is also right about Intel Speedstep, it is somewhere in your bios, the funtion of Speedstep is to downclock your CPU (less voltage needed at the same time) when the power is not needed like when you are talking to us or web surfing....so your CPU is not running at full speed, by disabling it your overclock (when high) should be more stable.

Some will say that keeping speedstep enable will have no direct impact on your overclock and will prolong the life of your CPU....I had a Q9650 @4.32Ghz for 2 > 3 years with speedstep disable and that puppy was still running like a champ.

One may feel more comfortable by having it enable but serious overclockers will always disable it to make sure that speedstep will not be the cause of a none stable high overclock. 

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