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Cannot Access 2D Instruments in Lancair


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Hey guys, just a quick one, as I'm sure someone will know the answer and I want to avoid having to re-install the Lancair. But for some reason I am unable to click on any of the instruments and drag them to a second monitor. They simply do not move. I have just finished a three day reinstall of both the OS and FSX  >:( help as always much appreciated....

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I wish it was that simple Ryan.... no, there is nothing that happens when you drag the curser over any of the radio. It should turn to a finger and then you should be able to drag around to another monitor, as I have done previously.  What I need to do is try a reinstall I think, only thing is there doesn't seem to be an iuninstall facility. Any ideas how to perform a correct uninstall would be appreciated...

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