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Why don't I see what's in the screenshot?

Benjamin J

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So now that I know FTX NA NRM actually actives as it should, I still find myself with a nagging problem: I do not see what the FTX NA NRM screnshots tell me I should see. Here's an example of 3W7, Granbd Coulee Dam:

Here's what I should see:

Posted Image

Here's what I see:

Posted Image

I do not know why this is. As you can see, the mountains and coastlines are correct, but none of the textures are. There are also trees where there shouldn't be trees, and I don't see the roads that I should be seeing. It'd be nice if this could be resolved without me having to reinstall FSX. Any ideas on what the problem might be? Please note I do not have UTX or GE for USA installed (I have both for Europe, however, and both are installed). Come to think of it, I have no scenery installed in the USA except FTX NA NRM. I also have REX installed.

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Hello Benjamin,

I don't see anything wrong in your screenshot. Keep in mind that the preview images are taken during Beta testing so they don't necessarily show the final product.

The ORBX screenshot was taken during a different season, probably spring, which is why it looks greener/wetter than yours. Also, the autogen annotations weren't complete when the screenshot was taken so that's why you don't see them in the preview. As for the roads we removed most of the unpaved tracks from non-forested areas in the final road set because the team thought they clashed too much with the content of the ground textures.

Cheers, Holger

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Hello Benjamin,

What your comparing against is a screenshot from NRM Beta 6003, NRM went through 6 more (huge) transitions since those screenshots where taken

So to address the items you refer too:

- Roads, some road classes were removed as they clashed with the custom textures and autogen too much in other areas, especially around urban areas

- Trees, the Beta shot was taken before any autogen was added to a lot of the non-urban areas

- Textures, the shot your comparing against was taken before final coloring was completed and also before we had an active NRM-Seasons file

You may ask why are Beta shots are still on the FTX website, they will be updated, but that will only happen once JohnV is back from holidays, this twas a very busy time for the whole crew and low priority things like website shots tend to get left till last  :)

I have made a trip back to the same location using the same setting I used for this beta preview shot, Settings are: Spring in the afternoon, LOD 6.5, REX weather and water, FSWC: ashtons fav, and the ENB bloom mod (my ENB ini file is attached below if you would like to try it, please excuse the darkness, I have just reinstalled FSX, and don't have the brightness tweaked up yet)

ack Holger already posted, anyway now you have it from the picture-taker  ;D


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Aaah, I see. Thanks for the prompt explanation. I'm relieved that there is no problem with my installation - saves me a FSX reinstall! On the other hand it's also a pity, since I had asctually based much of my purchase decision on the screenshots of that area. But, the good news is, is that my FPS soars through the roof, my installation isn't faulty and that means I finally have found the aircraft and scenery that enables me to run FSX on max settings without falling under 10FPS (when I made this shot I had 30FPS).

It's nice to finally be able to see FSX at its full potential without seeing FPS crawl down the drain.

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