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Suggestions For 737


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Hi Howard

You're most likely leaving the auto pilot on when you land.  I find it's best to turn it off when the man counts you down to 100' or 200'.  You know then you're on the runway and will not have to 'go-around'.  As soon as you touch down you need to 'retard' or, in other words, flip the throttle up and down and hang on to the break like grim death ;D until you're slow enough to taxi off the runway. 

Macca, your comments should be addressed to Howard.  Me, I'm doing alright with my low flying.  I've only got it so I can do greater distance flights in a reasonable time.  I still want to see the scenery as I fly, hence the relatively low altitudes I use.


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Yes, and it seems I've had a little bit of success.

I flew IFR from Paris La Plage to Adenauer today in the Thomas Cook repaint of the A320 and for the first time ever I was able to get the instant replay to work.

It seems you have to really complete the flight with everything off and the door open.  Then it'll work! ::)


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