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On to Cairns (finally!)

Derek McAllan

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G'day all,

So I finally got myself the amazing new YBCS yesterday.  I was going to wait a bit, but after seeing all the stunning views being posted I was hooked.  Got it installed and thought for my first flight I'd fly into Cairns from Townsville, rather than just loading up the trike and looking around.  So today's flight is in the ever faithful Duke (Brindabella paint, of course!) with an IFR plan set up in Tim Arnot's excellent update to PlanG.  Weather is real for today via REX.

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Sitting at the Small GA gate at Townsville, waitin' for passengers and filin' flightplans.

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Speaking of which, here's our one for today, courtesy of PlanG v2.0

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I really like the new version of PlanG, especially with the new approaches feature.  Here we are, setup for the ILS RWAY 15 approach with a transition from RAINY.

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Making the intitial climb to 6,000' past Magnetic Island after turning off the runway heading

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Reaching top of the initial climb, waiting for permission to head up to 10,000'

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More climbing...

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Finally, top of climb, near Orpheus Island.

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Cruising over Inisfail Airport

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Passing Cairns, you can just make out the airport past the hills to my starboard side.

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Transitioning to the approach at RAINY

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At the CS142 waypoint on approach, prior to intercepting the localiser

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On final into Runway 15

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All lined up nicely on the ILS approach, though flying a mite slow.  Have to watch my approach speeds better.

Landing was beautiful, but my PC decided to spit the dummy while I was running the replay for pics and crashed.  Many more pics to come as I explore this newly upgraded territory  ;D  Thanks Jarrad, for this beautiful scenery!!



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