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Where's my grass gone?!


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Hey guys, your genius and advice is needed. For some reason, that I cannot fathom, the lovely grass textures along the side of the airstrip at Walter Sutton's seems to no longer be there! It was showing on the initial install, but after flying for a couple of days I suddenly realised it has vanished. All the 'add-on' boxes are also ticked in the Control panel. Any ideas?    Order No: FSS0078069

Win7 64bit


Gigabyte MB

i7 950 3.4Ghz CPU

Gigabyte GTX470 1Gb GPU

6 Gb RAM (2x3)

Corsair 650 PU

Order No: FSS0078069

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I see the REX grass there :P

as for the "missing grass" did you check wich boxes you have ticked in the WA_79 CP ?

Did you install the latest Lib files 101104 ?

Did you try and switch back to default fsX and then back to PNW via the FTXCentral CP ?

and in case that all mentioned above fails then you can always re-install WA_79 ............ ::)

here as to how it looks at my end some minutes ago ;D



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no need to loose money over it :P;)

there should be tall grass and flowers along the RWY when they boxes in the CP are ticked accordingly, if the long grass and flowers do not appear then there is something wrong, as for the latest library files maybe care to have a look here => http://fullterrain.com/support.html

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HUH ???

OK, a crash course :

go to:

...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA

delete => FTX_AA_WA79

go to:

...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts

delete => scenerylib_US_WA79.cfg

then rightclick FTXConfigurator.exe in the Scripts folder and "Run as Administrator" ONLY ONCE !!! you wil see nothing as it is a silent application.

close the whole thing set FTXCentral to default and re-install WA79

DO NOT forget to install the latest libary files 101104 last !

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Hi Wolter, I must apologise for my ignorance, but I am still learning about FSX. I am no doubt about to ask a very simplw question, but I do not know the answer.... what is the library file you refer, where do I get it and do I just drop it into the relevent folder?

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Hi Wolter, sure. I followed your instrauctions and hey presto! I have my lovely meadow grass back along the side of the strip! One more thing though, can you just confirm, one way or the other, that the grass texture is OK in the pic below. It just seems rather odd and patchy and it's across the runnway also... Posted Image

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ok, could you please take some screenies from the same angle as the ones I took at WA79 so we can compare what we are looking at and also cicle the Shift+Z once more so we also can see the coordinates in the screenies.

as for the ground colours select november 20th daytime as time set so we have a common denominator of time and place.

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